Sunday, July 31, 2005

Zines and things

Yesterday was quite good. I went to work and it was good. I was busy spoke with a lot of people. I really like working there. I like the people I work with, public included and my boss is really - well I can not speak more highly of a person.
He's fantastic. Just wonderful.
I actually want to work and make him money. I don't mind doing overtime and not being paid for it. Yesterday I worked over 15 min and he paid me for it!! I'm not use to that! 20 min if justified, half and hour definitely but 15 min? I felt kinda bad taking his money. Althea I said "Are you sure??"
Yea him!
Just got off the phone.
The conversation makes me think about how jealously can take over a persons mind.
Isn't acceptance better?
Divorce is difficult for both parties involved but in two cases I have seen jealously from the ex wife, using the children and it's the ex husbands who have to suffer.
It's not fair. Both ex husbands have moved on and got understanding girlfriends who are now the source of jealously for the ex wife. Make sense?
It's just pathetic how an outsider can see the impact of what they are doing to there children but they can't see through the jealously hence can't see the impact of their actions on their children.
And they wonder why some kids have problems?
One woman is refusing her kids (who ADORE their father) to call him.
What the hell is that! An outside view. I think she can't stand /hates the fact that the 12 year old would prefer to live with his Dad rather then her. The other child I think feels the same way but is the one being torn between the two of them.
Sad really.
Moving on.
I've almost finished a song. It's ok considering it's the first one that I have sorta liked.
I played it to Goosey and she liked it.( but she'd like it if it was crap - she's really supportive like that, God love her!)
I've brought stuff for the zine I'm going to make. I need a name for it.
I've also been working on what I will put in it.
This song I've got, a couple of poems, a short story and maybe a few bits and pieces I wrote ages ago. Debating if I should put in anything from my diary/blog. Doubt it. I think it's all kinda boring. Unless I spruce it up a bit...te he heh Make an interesting short story on it.
Hmm... Name for the front cover. Design for the front cover. It's got to be eye catching. It's got to be remembered. I think this because I remember picking up this one persons zine because it had a cute photo of them in kinda, another one I remembered was because of it's interesting content. It was varied, sexual in bits but not overdone and had meaning to the person. I think something people can relate to.
Hairdressing? Things that people will say and the meanings to what hairdressers say.
client:How's the color?
Apprentice: "Yeah, really nice, I'm just going to put this toner on..."
Meaning: Oh MY GOD! Does Violet remove orange???

Client: I only want a trim just to get the dead ends off
apprentice: Yeah, sure
meaning: Four inches should do it.

Maybe stuff like that.
Hmmm.... We'll see.

Friday, July 29, 2005

The real world

I've just been looking at the writers festival in Sydney. I really liked the one hear in Melbourne... I'm thinking about making the trip to Sydney... Providing money and time...
In my spare time I've been writing - lyrics, making up melody's,zine thinking,
career thinking. I've got an interview next Thursday. Not for real estate. Reception in a Hairdressing College. I don't mind it, but I don't really want to work in a salon. Works work I guess for now and I need the money.
Overload festival is starting next Friday. Should be good.
I was sooo tired today. I think I need to catch up on some sleep.
I had an interesting conversation on Wednesday. Religion. Then again today.
I hate those narrow minded people who give Christians a bad name.
The ones who I guess non Christians think about the typical "Christian".
This person I was talking to was saying how he pretty much got out of it because he felt the whole guilt thing when he was doing the "wrong" things. Like shagging your girlfriend/boyfriend. That's a valid point. The next was homophobia thing. Not accepting it and not allowing these people into the church. I know. It happens.
I am a Christian BUT I just have different ideas. In saying this I drink, go to clubs, My friends gay... I guess you could say I'm open minded.
As a friend once said "I try to live as an example but I fall. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, No ones perfect."
Oh no! Now I'm sounding like one of those pain in the ass bible bashers!
Moving on.
My friend Maria who recently moved into the country, she hit a Kangaroo on her way to work! The little bugger did $2800 damage! Lucky it was small, those big reds can actually kill you given if they go through your winscreen. Has happened.
It's also happened with a stray horse that got out onto the highway once. Scary.
They are a real pain.
Gotta go and get some sleep.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Cigarettes,caffeine,alcohol and Sugar!!!!

Oh my God! I had such a good night. I feel like running around the block.
What's stopping me? It's 6am and I haven't as yet gone to sleep.Thats why.
Ok, hears the thing. I don't smoke - anything. I casually smoke cigarettes.
Last night I did. I also had a caffeinated drink before I went out. Then I had two vodka and lime. This was over a three hour period.
My heart is racing. I'm caffeine sensitive. I don't EVER have sugar added to anything. I haven't for years and years. Last night well early this morning more like it I was sitting round and a friend of a friend brought me this massive pineapple and something non alcoholic drink.
I took a sip - It was so sweet. I didn't actually like it that much but he brought it and it would have just been a waste I tried to get the others the drink it a bit for me. Anyway. I feel like climbing up the walls. I can't sleep. I got home at 3.45am on the way home my mind was racing a thousand miles a minute.
A song came to me so when I got home I had to write it out. Then put it to music and yes now I have a song.
Yea me!!
That was two hours ago, I lay down shut my eyes and I can't sleep. I feel like I'm High!!! This is a very bazaar feeling. I can only put it down to smoking - when I'm a non smoker, the caffeinated drink, the two alcoholic drinks and the sugar fest of a juice/thing. Ughhh....
To give you an example my resting heart rate is between 58 and 60. Very low.
It's meant to be good.
At the moment I'm topping 84.
It's very crazy in my body. Man this is why they don't give these drinks to kids!!!!!
No wonder they bounce off the walls!!!
My stomach muscles are sore.
My eyes are wide open and I can't see myself going to sleep any time soon.
I yawn, but I'm not tired.
Oh geeze this is weird.
I was watching the ABC America early this morning. Man, No wonder they have an obesity problem! I watched two promotions for one a hot dog eating contest and then how much you can consume in pasta in a certain time!
Also there was some guy shovelling in mayonnaise! UGH!!!! It makes me want to hurl!
Now I'm tired but can't sleep.
P.S Mr Philosopher was great.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Positive Thinking

I'm sitting hear watching M*A*S*H re runs on video. I love that show.
I have gone out for a walk this morning just when the sun was out and it was nice.
I've got things to look forward to.
Tonight I'm going to go see The bedroom Philosopher performorm, I'm feel like I'm such a groupie Especially since my friends are not into either him or just chilling out listening to people preform, at a bar, so lucky me looks like I'm going solo.
I don't mind, seems I have to.
I really like going, It's inspirational and I love watching their talent.
Also I'm going to an Overload festival coming up in August.
I'm wanting to make a zine. I have ideas and stuff that I'd like to put into it.
I'm wanting to move out of this house.
I want change.
To do this a job/career would be good for a start.
This in return will give me money so I can move out and /or save up to travel.
Hence change.
Goosey's boyfriend is having a birthday it's going to be in Dalesford so that will take all weekend. It's awhile away but it's something to look forward to.
Break for lunch...Hmmm Baked beans on toast with salt and pepper and covered in dried pasprinkledes and sprinkeled sunflower seeds. It looks like I'm eating grass clippings!
I think we all have days like yesterday. I pick myself up by being thankful for the good things in my life, also the things that I mentioned above.
Another good thing is that there is a Pub night coming up with "street works" most volunteers come and meet up for an ale or ten and it's usually a good night.
My guitar is an outlet, I'm so grateful for that.

I got a call from this estate agent I had an interview wth awhile ago. He said he will highly recommened me to other branches, thing is that if no positions are available then well my resume will go on "File".

I brought the lastest Voiceworks magazine yesterday. Again inspirational. Motivating.
I feel good right now. Content.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I want to cry.
That's all for now. More later.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Sibling love

Ever had to sneak out of home? Well let me re phrase that. Ever had to sneak out at 24 YEARS OF AGE!!! Humorous really. Last night my brother and I didn't see eye to eye on a few things. I went out to my bungalow, to get out of the situation.
Anyway I called Jay and decided to go spend the night at his house. This would mean that I would have to go and walk through the house... Hmm... Preferring to avoid the conflict I got changed into my heels and jacket then made my way around the side of the house. I'm glad I mowed the lawn, the grass was wet.
I climbed over the fence and made my way around the other one.
Giggling to myself what it would look like from one of the neighbor's point of view.
Glad there blinds were shut.
I jump down and creep into the carport where I get into my car.
Hmmm... He'll hear me if I start it. He'll then come out and more conflict.
What to do... I put the car into neutral and push the car down the drive way. It helped that it was on a slope so I didn't have to push it to far.
I rolled down the drive then down the street and into another street before I felt like there was no way he could realize my car had gone.
Almost hitting a parked car because it was dark and I didn't see it and I had no lights on.
It was a good night with Jay. We chatted for hours then again in the morning.

Funny to think about really.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Zine me baby

I'm thinking about making a zine.
What is it? You ask, It's a self publication of random things/poetry/thoughts/pictures anything you want it to be.
Some people put photos on/in it others just write it like a diary.
I want to put a few short stories and song lyrics (when finished).
I think it would be fun.
I've written a little on my brother and living with his disorder.
So in that case it wouldn't be something I could tell family or orientated people about, friends ok - some. Just go and put it out there.
I know what front page I'd want. I saw it on a few peoples, a photo of them when they were at kinda or primary school or something. It made me pick it up and have a look.
I'm still looking for work. Yea. If only I had experience in, oh - I don't know- EVERYTHING!!!!
It's hard. I Want a job Monday to Friday late nights are ok, as long as I don't have to work on Saturdays.

Revive the song

I couldn't sleep last night, so I played my guitar. My fingers are still a little sore today!
I came up with the first and possibly second verse to a song.
I've got a few different melody's, Last night I just mucked around on it and it sounded nice. I go back and try and redo them and it takes forever.
I spoke to Thea last night, we talked about conteki(?) tours and where we would like to go.
It's all talk for now but I really would like to go. That camp sounds better and better.
I found a few shops yesterday around where I work, I was debating what to buy. I now think "Am I going to regret not buying this?" If the answer is yes then I get it.
Altho I have to save and pay bills and stuff, I'm still going out and need new clothes.
I have to Justify everything I buy. Otherwise I can't bring myself to get it.
Church tonight. I haven't gone for awhile but they have got "40 days of community, what on earth are we hear for"
That starts next week. I'll get involved, usually I come out revived and rearing to go make a difference.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mixed messages...

Last few days have been uneventful. Good days, just thinking about a few things/people. How everyone you come across in some way influences you.
Jack is one of those people. He has defiantly helped me grow in some ways.
I'm happy. No word from Steelo. I just got off the phone from talking to my best friend and Bronson the dog is being just beautiful.
He had a sore neck on Monday, he was really looking sad and wasn't his happy self. I gave him a massage a few times and he came well. He was so happy, he came into my room that night ditched his nice bed in my mum's room then came all the way down to my room and curled up on the floor next to my bed. He wakes me up by poking his wet nose and licking my face. I open my eyes and there's these happy big brown eyes looking at me and yes, he has a smile!
I'm getting all mushy and gushing over him. We went out for a walk today. It was sooo nice, beautiful sunny day. We walked for an hour and a half and we faced three loose dogs. It was funny one which lives down the end of the street ploughed through the fence and flew towards us! Then it stopped and gave this deep bark (It was a Chinese husky looking thing - kinda big) I put Bronson behind me then he sat in between my legs. I think we were all shocked at the situation; I looked at it "Get INSIDE you naughty boy!" He looked at me and cowered over to the fence! He couldn't get back in! He looked SO GUILTY!!! It was so funny because I then had to tell Bronson to sit and stay - while I let this dog back into his property!
He was so good he just sat and watched. I think myself lucky. Some dogs aren't so nice. But this one I think had just realised that he broke the fence and was now outside his comfort zone.
Funny really.
Bronson's lying next to me sleeping. It feels like company. All stress fades away when I see him.
Moving on.
Another funny/strange thing happened last night.
I was filling in for Frank, as captain of street works. Frank had to go to a lecture for his work.
So I didn't expect him to come out. He ended up popping by because his meeting was near by.
He looked really good. I'm used to seeing him in tracksuit pants, runners and a T-shirt with an oversized street work jacket on. He still looks ok but I liked what I saw last night. Very impressed. It was just black shoes, black pants and an open collar shirt. It was his work clothes.
If someone looks really eye catching I generally tell them so. Nice eyes, hair pants etc.
I thought I'd tell Frank.
"You look so nice tonight, I'd give you a nine"
He smiled and tried to shrug it of as work clothes.
He's always the one saying people should just take complements.
I discussed the fact with one of the other girls there Amy. I made no point of hiding the fact of what I thought. The girl I spoke to was his No.1 admirer. She's besotted by him and he loves the fact that he has her as an admirer.
He took Amy home saying
"Kaz, I'll take Amy home because it saves you having to drop her off in the van and you don't need me back at the sem...? I can just go straight home and go to bed"
"Oh ok, Thanks - Nah that's fine I've got four others to help" (Three young men and another girl. Not much is needed to do at the Sem)
I drive the van back to the sem and we start to unpack it. Everything was out and we were refilling the tea, coffee, Milo etc when I hear a familiar voice.
That sounds like Frank.
I look up and there he was.
He helped Lisa put away the left over milk, then he just kinda...stood around.
I smile and laugh a little.
There really wasn't much to do.
Lisa and the boys went home.
It was just Frank and myself. I was just doing the last few things.
I was wondering why was Frank hanging around?
As I returned the van keys and locked up, He was still standing waiting...but why and for what?
"Thanks Frank again for dropping off Amy and for coming back"
"Yeah, that’s ok. See ya later"
He just walked off to his car and I walked to mine.
End of story.
Why did he stay back with me to the very end?
I'd be lying if the thought of what is he going to do next, didn't pass through my mind. Did he have an alterative motive...
I just think of that drunken/ half sober comment he made to me in the car on the way home from a pub night out.
"Dear Diary, I had a great night tonight...I like Frank and he wants her…”
Something like that followed by some text messages.
I can't remember the exact words but he kept looking at me and smiling.
The next day he apologized for the texts he sent.
They weren't crass or anything. Maybe he felt guilty about sending them because his best friend liked me… I don’t know.
I thought about it in the car on the way home.
I get it!!! I laughed about it.
He loves admires.
He just stood around to be just that!!! He looked good so he'll just stand around and be admired! He's funny!
Again I'd be lying if I didn't wonder if he This is a long post. I usually try and remember that other people can read this but I think this time I have just kept typing like this was my pen to paper diary entry.
I think I'll go on another walk with Bronny tomorrow.
Hopefully it will be another beautiful sunny day.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Just sometimes

Last night lying in bed, it was 2am, I couldn't sleep. I watched Dragon - The Bruce Lee story. I wanted someone with me. Someone to touch my skin, someone who I would look at and get that flutter inside.
In reality tho, I don't know if I'd want them there 24 / 7.
Just when I was feeling like this I got a text message, I look at it, It was Steelo.
I didn't reply to it. That just wasn't what I wanted.
Jay and I spoke on the phone last night.
Were going to go on a day trip to the country in a few weeks.
He's boyfriend sounds like a controlling tossa. He wants me to meet him.
It's funny how you picture how someone would look. I feel like I know the guy but it's only through what Jay has told me and how he looks.
He's funny, He's told me he looks like this guy on T.V.
I try not to make judgments because I know that Jay blows things way out of proportion sometimes.
I think after being single for so long, you get stuck in your ways.
I'll give a second chance but it most likely wouldn't work.
I have to go and call the car mechanic's. My car is still stuffed.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Strictly speaking

I’m sitting hear in my bedroom eating dinner. Steak saturated in tomato sauce and salted popcorn. The steak ismediumm rare and the popcorn is hot (freshly popped). I cooked the meat in the microwave and the popcorn in the machine I have for popcorn.
Now I feel like a drink. I'll wait. It's too cold for another trip outside.
My guitar is laying next to me as I had just put it down to go make dinner. My keybord is next to the guitar in hope for reuse when I get the urge.
I can't play it but I stuff around on it.
My bedspread is purple.
I'm in my comfey homey clothes. I've got odd socks on.
My zip up jacket is green. I have a green sheet on my bed.
This popcorn is nice. I like it really salty.
My hair is out(rather then up) I didn’t brush it today. I put on my head band and figured it looked ok.
Work was good today.
I'm not going out tonight. I can't be bothered. I had six hours sleep last night. My brother has gone to get some DVD's.
It's been really cold today.
I'm thinking about doing one of those camp America things.
You get to see parts of America and a longer Visa. I could do haircuts on the side to get more money- cash in hand. Then travel around for a month or so afterward.
I can only go if all debts are paid off.

Ok enough statements of useless information.
I finished my schooling last Thursday night. I got an A for an assignment and passed the last exam.
I was really relieved. When I was so stressed I turned into super nasty wonder woman. I was horriable to be around so lucky no one was really near me. My brother was at work and when I was up at my mums she was out with her friends.
I ended up taking out my fustration on Brian.
He was only slightly annoying but because my patience was non existant I was snappy towards him. With due reason.
Steelo, Oh cringe.
I don't know what to say to him! I thought not answsering his calls would give him a fair idea. He called again the next day and a curious male friend of mine answered my phone and gave him the 20 questions, then he rang again last night! I let message bank get it. He didnt leave a message. I thought I would stay out last night in case he "poped by".
I don't want to catch up with him. I don't like him in a way where I'd go out on a date with him and he makes me feel awkward when he leaves. I kiss friends on the cheak, I do this because I guess being around Greek and Italian people a lot and my mum has always done it and I guess you just do it,without thinking about it. Means hello, goodbye. It's just a kiss on the cheak. Sometimes you don't even directly kiss their cheak it's almost like a motion. Like a welcoming hug or a pat on the back.
I think Steelo looked into it abit to deeply.
Hence why I feel awkward. He goes to kiss me and I dodge his incomng lips and he kinda veers towards me. We kiss very briefly. I feel like Homer Simpson - Doh!
Why can’t I just say "Hey, you're a nice person but I'm just not into you".
I can't be rude or sound like I'm being insensitive.
Hmm...Maybe he won't call again. Maybe he got the message.

I'm sooo cold!
I've gotta go inside and get a hot drink!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The real link

Seeing that that link worked this is Mr Philosopher's personal link.Go check him out!

Feeling the pressure

I'm starting to feel the pressure.
This is my last week in my course and there's a test on Thursday night.
I studied yesterday and did a assignment today. Only one more assignment to hand in.
It's really full on this last week.
I'm forgetting about little things, like for example I got off on the wrong exit on the freeway when I was going to go pick up Jack from "street works" home base! I was a million miles away thinking about my exam, assignments, jobs and then music inbetween all that.
Also I completely forgot that I had told a friend that I would go to a market with her on Thursday. Also that I had told Jack I would go and talk to a school for "street works" So I double booked myself and I have to study all day for my test that night! I dropped the market and the talk. Priorities.

Yesterday turned out to be really good. I picked up Jack and then we had 4 hours before I had to drop him off where the van was being used.
We had four hours to kill. I think we were both wondering what the hell are we going to do for that time. As I said tho it was good. I recolored his hair and he showed me some things on the guitar.
I don't know if he liked it as much as I did but I was wrapped. I came home studied for about two hours then the guitar took over and I only got about another half hour or so study after that.
I LOVE playing the guitar. I love watching it being played.
Jacks really good at it and I'm a person who can listen and pick up stuff.
I tried to gear myself up for the fact that it probably wouldn't happen.
Something will happen or come up and it just won't happen.
So I didn't totally get my hopes up until I saw him and we planned out what we will do.
I get really excited. I have been wanting to do some more different things on it.
Jack mentioned that he will help Goosey and I with recordings. I don't know if she'll sing in front of him tho, she's really good but doesn't seem to think that herself.
Now I can do links hears Mr Philosophers. I hope it works...

Oh, I got my car back from the mechanics - verdict? It's something to do with the "fuel line and to fix it you would be looking at $270 plus labor..."
I should of said oh,ok just fix it before tomorrow will you.
BECAUSE I know too well that it has NOTHING to do with the fuel anything!!!
They are saying this because they want to get rid of me.
Well hey, I don't want to go back to them anyway! They are crap!
So I said "Is it? Oh, Well ok, don't worry about it, I can't afford it"

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fond memories

Last night I was talking to Jarelle on the phone, it started to get late and she had to go and do her horses, feed, put rugs on, brush etc..
So I drove over to her house and we went out together. It was good - for the first half an hour, we shoveled sawdust and bedded down a stable then I got in the wheelbarrow and she pushed me round :) that was fun but then I thought thank God I don't have horses.
I gave them a pat and some carrots but I wouldn't ever want to have to go out in the dark feed, brush, rug. It takes forever. At the time I even thought I don't care if I never rode again. I'm over it. It was mostly done in the dark. I hate that. I really hated it when it was cold and my mum and I would drive and go look after the horses. I HATED it! It was cold and wet, winter was just the wrong time to own a horse.
I loved my horse(Domino) but when your not old enough to drive and you have to rely on your mum to drive you everywhere, It drove me nuts.
When I got my beloved horse Alex, she was my everything. My life. I was on an apprentice wage yet managed to save and have enough money to live on for myself and her.
I think I was sooo devastated when she died and the way she did - I never wanted to get another horse and certainly nothing so big that you couldn't pick up and protect from getting hurt.
I'm off on a tangent.
Getting back to it.
While I was sitting waiting for Jarelle to finish riding the tractor to smooth out the arena, I thought I really would prefer sitting with a drink listening to people do their gig playing their guitar or performing poetry or even just sitting with friends at a pub. It was a strange feeling. Something I loved so much to now mean nothing. Nothing.
Might sound stupid but I think it all died when she did.
Oh well. Moved on.
My cat Tessa was starving for affection today. She gets like that sometimes.
I have to stop what I'm doing for at least ten to fifteen minutes and make a fuss of her. She's so cute.

Just sitting hear thinking.
I should be sudying. I started to then I was reading without my glasses, Got really tired after the first paragraph then went to sleep for an hour. I played my guitar for ages before I decided to write in hear.
I've been thinking about Dean a little bit. Is that bad? He has a girlfriend.
Hmm.... I'm just not going to do anything but if by chance I see him again and he again show interest... I'll ask about his girlfriend.
I've got two melody's. Which I haven't ripped off. They are mine.

Well,As for London, I guess no news is good news. Talking to my friend Jarelle, she would of been told too. So were going on that Alex is fine.
Cinn...Still waiting but I think she's ok because again the papers and stuff would have found out by now for sure.

Friday, July 08, 2005

London update

I feel so emotional. I'm tired. I'm going to work tomorrow.
Still no word from Alex and Cinn. I'm sure they are ok...But I won't feel at complete ease until I know for sure. I chatted to Hannah over the internet, she's fine.
I guess I'm thinking a lot about the Bali bombing. Bec. Tears prick my eyes.
I'll never forget that feeling. The pain of not knowing if she was dead/alive/injured it took seven or eight weeks, If not more.
She was the last identified.
It makes me shake and get the shivers when I think about it.
That's why I need to hear from Alex. I'll ring her boyfriend tomorrow.
You never think it could happen to you. But it does.
Makes you appreciate life. Put's things into perspective.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Oh my GOD! The London blasts! Not again! I hope she's not in it! Oh God, I hope they are not in it!!!
My heart in thumping, I'm feeling - the word casualties. Fatalities. Oh my God.
remembrances of Bali. Oh god no!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Wrapping up the weekend

I'm not very impressed tonight.
In short, I have taken my car back to the mechanics Twice and now I have to take it back again! A THIRD time!!!! It costs me about $30 in fuel each time.
The woman at the counter looked at me today when I dropped off my car, this is the third time I've seen her. She's nice enough but now my paitence is running very low and I just want my car back to how it was BEFORE I gave it to them!
"How are you going to pay, today?"
I look at her.
"Pay? I'm not going to pay."
"Oh we just don't know what will have to be done to it until we have a look at it"
"I've never had any problems until I have got my car back from hear. Ever."
I'm just annoyed. It takes an hour and a half to get there and now I have to go back again! The speedo doesn't work!
That's my winge.
The winery tour on Sunday went well. A little of a stressed out start but ended up everyone having fun.
(OMG! MY brother is speaking utter crap and I am trying REALLY hard to keep my mouth shut and hence being nice. It's extremely testing when I'm already annoyed!)
We visited five wineryes. After the third I think we all were feeling the effects.
Sarah, Vincent and I went to a pub and kicked on afterwards.
I caught a cab home but had to get dropped off within a 20 minute walk. I was debating if I could do a runner but I had a vision my photo will be up at a police station or something but I thought about it and the stronger thought was that he will be out of pocket $30. Couldn't do it.
Just HMMM.....
My lips are pursed. I'm annoyed.
My car.

I'm over it.

Something that makes me smile. Mr Philosopher. I saw him perform on Saturday night.
I enjoy watching him.
He was doing this launch for pretend paper
website.It was in a warehouse where some people lived.
There were about 80 or 90 people there. He started up and about 20 or so people were watching him. Others were talking and they just got louder the louder he played.
After about 10 or 15 minutes of this he unplugs his guitar and goes walk about down the other end where everyone wasn't watching him. It was quite funny because then some of the people at the front started to talk when he left.
About 30 or 40 people had there attention on him. He kept performing and he was doing random things like making different noises into the mic, imitating a little girl who took peoples attention away from him when she stood in the vacant space in front of him and did a little Jig. Because it was obvious that people looked at her he thought he would stop what he was doing and go get more attention that way. Thing is - it kinda worked!
By the end of his gig He had about 95% of peoples attention.
He's strip at the end with the dinosaur tail attached to his butt with these 80's style shorts on. He was very entertaining, He always gets a laugh.

blog links

what is this link thing I just put on. Let me see...

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Dreams invading life

I don't know why.
Do you know that feeling when you meet or see someone, something different happens.
There's something.
Two people have done this to me. One had a girlfriend. The other...It just didn't/doesn't seem right.

On a brighter note I've been playing my guitar and getting a few different melody's and stuff. Starting to sound like something rather then really crap.
The lyrics of course inspired by people/person in my life. When it comes together I'll paste it on my blog.

I had a bad dream last night, I've been having weird dreams. I dreamt that we were in the "street van" and we were on our way to this winery tour I've been organizing and we left someone behind! Then every where we went we kept leaving people behind!
(Just got a message from this guy who wanted to catch up tonight,
"Sorry...Work...blah,blah ,blah" Whatever,I don't care.)
In my dream we had to keep on turning around and go back to pick up these people!
The night before I had a dream that I was dancing around with my room filled with people and the radio was playing but the radio was two necks of the guitar and to change stations you had to pluck the strings!??
Maye it's something in the water!!!!

Now i'm 24. 24. Gosh it really dosen't seem like 6 years ago I was at school and so much has happened in 6 years!
Another 6 years i'll be 30!!!

I want to try and put a link on my blog so hear is one. I don't know if it will work but if it does it's another good blog to go check out.

Friday, July 01, 2005

I can really pick em

Well I can sure pick em that's for sure!!!! I say shaking my head.
Last night was good, a few friends came and had a few drinks and watched Jack do his gig on the guitar. He was great! I knew he would be, that sounds so corney doesn't it, but it's true.
Goosey,Rene, Mary and I kicked on to another club after the bar and stayed there till stumps. It was a good night.
Yesterday I spent the day with my mum. It was really good. I was feeling kinda flat but it got better as the day turned into night.

I was wondering if this guy Dean was going to show as he seemed kinda interested on Saturday night. Goosey told me today - he has a girlfriend. Typical.
I just think - what the!! Again?!!!? What are these guys thinking?!?!?!?!!
I have to go and get ready for school. Two weeks to go.