Fond memories

Last night I was talking to Jarelle on the phone, it started to get late and she had to go and do her horses, feed, put rugs on, brush etc..
So I drove over to her house and we went out together. It was good - for the first half an hour, we shoveled sawdust and bedded down a stable then I got in the wheelbarrow and she pushed me round :) that was fun but then I thought thank God I don't have horses.
I gave them a pat and some carrots but I wouldn't ever want to have to go out in the dark feed, brush, rug. It takes forever. At the time I even thought I don't care if I never rode again. I'm over it. It was mostly done in the dark. I hate that. I really hated it when it was cold and my mum and I would drive and go look after the horses. I HATED it! It was cold and wet, winter was just the wrong time to own a horse.
I loved my horse(Domino) but when your not old enough to drive and you have to rely on your mum to drive you everywhere, It drove me nuts.
When I got my beloved horse Alex, she was my everything. My life. I was on an apprentice wage yet managed to save and have enough money to live on for myself and her.
I think I was sooo devastated when she died and the way she did - I never wanted to get another horse and certainly nothing so big that you couldn't pick up and protect from getting hurt.
I'm off on a tangent.
Getting back to it.
While I was sitting waiting for Jarelle to finish riding the tractor to smooth out the arena, I thought I really would prefer sitting with a drink listening to people do their gig playing their guitar or performing poetry or even just sitting with friends at a pub. It was a strange feeling. Something I loved so much to now mean nothing. Nothing.
Might sound stupid but I think it all died when she did.
Oh well. Moved on.
My cat Tessa was starving for affection today. She gets like that sometimes.
I have to stop what I'm doing for at least ten to fifteen minutes and make a fuss of her. She's so cute.
Just sitting hear thinking.
I should be sudying. I started to then I was reading without my glasses, Got really tired after the first paragraph then went to sleep for an hour. I played my guitar for ages before I decided to write in hear.
I've been thinking about Dean a little bit. Is that bad? He has a girlfriend.
Hmm.... I'm just not going to do anything but if by chance I see him again and he again show interest... I'll ask about his girlfriend.
I've got two melody's. Which I haven't ripped off. They are mine.
Well,As for London, I guess no news is good news. Talking to my friend Jarelle, she would of been told too. So were going on that Alex is fine.
Cinn...Still waiting but I think she's ok because again the papers and stuff would have found out by now for sure.
haven't blogged in ages, I liked reading yours
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