It's late and i'm still awake.
May sound mushy and la de da but I'm emotional and happy but sad.
Sab had to leave again but only for a couple of days and still got housemate.
I loooovvvveeee Sab sooooooo much and it was funny, we were lying on the bed watching T.V, he turns around and says, "I love you" and kisses me. We always tell eachother but I don't know it just gave me the warm and fuzzys and yeah, he makes me smile.
There's always going to be trying times but that's life.
I quit my "new" job on Saturday. Turns out the owners a compulsive liar and it all went very bad.
Anyway I start a new job on the 15th so I have a week off.
I miss having Sab lying next to me. Oh well, it's not forever as he and his fellow workmate explained to me today, you work hard now so later you don't have to.
I explained to them that to be able to get to that point you need to take time out relax and enjoy life.
They agreed, I just hope they do it.
I'm hungry. I want food. I rolled my ankle tonight playing sport. It was the ankle that I had a reconstruction on 10 years ago. It's always going to be dodgey but I have to be more carefull.
I'm going shopping for clothes tomorrow, cheap dresses and tops. Yea.
Sab had to leave again but only for a couple of days and still got housemate.
I loooovvvveeee Sab sooooooo much and it was funny, we were lying on the bed watching T.V, he turns around and says, "I love you" and kisses me. We always tell eachother but I don't know it just gave me the warm and fuzzys and yeah, he makes me smile.
There's always going to be trying times but that's life.
I quit my "new" job on Saturday. Turns out the owners a compulsive liar and it all went very bad.
Anyway I start a new job on the 15th so I have a week off.
I miss having Sab lying next to me. Oh well, it's not forever as he and his fellow workmate explained to me today, you work hard now so later you don't have to.
I explained to them that to be able to get to that point you need to take time out relax and enjoy life.
They agreed, I just hope they do it.
I'm hungry. I want food. I rolled my ankle tonight playing sport. It was the ankle that I had a reconstruction on 10 years ago. It's always going to be dodgey but I have to be more carefull.
I'm going shopping for clothes tomorrow, cheap dresses and tops. Yea.
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