Monday, July 25, 2005

Sibling love

Ever had to sneak out of home? Well let me re phrase that. Ever had to sneak out at 24 YEARS OF AGE!!! Humorous really. Last night my brother and I didn't see eye to eye on a few things. I went out to my bungalow, to get out of the situation.
Anyway I called Jay and decided to go spend the night at his house. This would mean that I would have to go and walk through the house... Hmm... Preferring to avoid the conflict I got changed into my heels and jacket then made my way around the side of the house. I'm glad I mowed the lawn, the grass was wet.
I climbed over the fence and made my way around the other one.
Giggling to myself what it would look like from one of the neighbor's point of view.
Glad there blinds were shut.
I jump down and creep into the carport where I get into my car.
Hmmm... He'll hear me if I start it. He'll then come out and more conflict.
What to do... I put the car into neutral and push the car down the drive way. It helped that it was on a slope so I didn't have to push it to far.
I rolled down the drive then down the street and into another street before I felt like there was no way he could realize my car had gone.
Almost hitting a parked car because it was dark and I didn't see it and I had no lights on.
It was a good night with Jay. We chatted for hours then again in the morning.

Funny to think about really.


Blogger Scott said...

brothers can't live with them, can't live without them. I remember doing that to advoid conflict - I hate conflicts.

1:44 AM  

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