Monday, April 23, 2007

As the jail term continues

Well. I started the jail sentence and Yes – that’s what it is.
I walked out tonight leaving my new manager to deal with two arguing apprentices.
It was turning ugly. I figured that I was already there ONE hour overtime that I don’t get paid for and I wasn’t going to stay and listen to them spatter on. Once everything is done I’m outta there. I HATE IT! BUT I have to earn money and I just have to find something else in the meantime.
My feet are sooooo sore I don’t get to sit down! Even to pee! Today I stood over the bowl because I wanted to get out as it was 6pm and I finish at 5.30.
Sheesh.I only went to the toilet once today – we don’t get breaks because we can go to the toilet any time we want. What a PRIVILAGE!!!
I peed once in 12 hours and today once again and it was at 6pm when I should have been at home! BLAH!
So anyway I hate it.

Tonight Sab is outta town.
I’m on my own again. I miss him when he goes away.
Yesterday was SOOOOO good.
We slept in, his mobile didn’t go off with work wanting to contact him, we lay in each others arms all morning.
We went out for lunch to the oldest house in the town. It’s in the middle of the bush, far away from anything and it was lovely.
Then we went and brought a vacume and had a look at fridges and TV plasma things.
When we got home I vacuumed the house while sab …talked to his ex girlfriend. Yeah.
She asked about me. He told her that I was vacuuming and she said she thought I was in a different state. Sab told her that I had moved in with him. Her reaction to this was “You Asshole”.
He told me that she said this because he didn’t live with her for a long time when she wanted to.
I just have this feeling that she still holds a flam for him.
If George (my ex) told me that he had someone living with him and it was his girlfriend I would be happy for him. I think if I still liked him I would have a different reaction.
I’d be hurt but in my case I’m not interested in him. I think she still is.
She will want to catch up with him when she comes back.
When he found out that I had gone out for dinner with my mum my brother and George – Sab flipped. He thought that something was going on etc.
Now the tables have changed. He tells me that I have nothing to worrie about. I don’t think I worrie but I just don’t feel comfortable with the idea.
No one really liked her from what people tell me. I don’t ask half the time they came out and talked about it.
I’m only me. Just me.
I love him. He tells me he loves me.
I miss him when he goes away.
I better go I need to look for another job.
My feet are really throbbing from standing all day.

I wish I had some company. Damon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

and so it seems....

I felt home sick for the first time yesterday morning and the night before.
Sab and I had an arguement and I was upset and just wanted Damon to lick away my tears and mum to hug me and I could hug Damon to just feel happy. When I didn't get any of that I felt alone. In the end Sab and I got over it but it really wasn't untill last night when I could really move on.
I know I have baggage with relationships, I just don't deal with arguements very well.
I always end up trying to smooth things over and make them feel better even tho I may not.
It didn't really work for me with Sab, which is probably a good thing because I just don't know what to do in those situations. I don't want to stoke the fire but I don't want to be the one allways smoothing out arguements.
As it turned out we spoke about it the next day in a much better way and I think at the end of the day I love him and he loves me - I look to that sometimes.
I start a hairdressing job on Thursday. Great.
I hate the thought, I think of it like a jail sentence which I'm out on paroll on a Sunday and maybe one other day.
Great. Over worked, under paid, devalued and I have to work every weekend 8.30am till about 5pm. Good bye to any time with Sab.
I hate hairdressing but I need money.
To look at the bright side it's not forever and I have used the color range before. I had a review of it last night, a little has changed but it seems simillar.
So I just have to get on with it.
I have no money after this week so thank God he's provided for me again.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Adelaide was two words.
Urine infection.
Yep. That was fantastic and unfourtunatly it lasted the whole of the week holiday.
I had to go into hospital and was put on a drip of fluids and antibiotics three days lkater I was back because I had a reaction to the medication they put me on which made me terriably sick.
I went and did the winery tour of the barrossa valley and saw a church or two but it really was just not the same cos I was so sick.
This also meant no sex for nearly two weeks. Shhesh.
I feel ok now still on medication (different one) It makes me feel drowsy but it’s better then the other one.
Sab and I are going along well – we have had arguments and little spats but we come out the other side.
I went to the gym this morning, feeling like a little bit of a blimp.
I’m going out to the movies tonight and maybe dinner.I better go and have a sleep.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

One week and one day later

Well I arrived yesterday a week ago.

How are things? Going along and still taking it as it comes.

Were learning more about each other and it’s all a learning experience.

I’m still looking for a job. I’m not so picky now. I didn’t want to work on a Saturday but I’m going to have to.

I didn’t want to be a hairdresser but there’s worse things and I need to pay the bills and like Sab says “it’s not forever”.

I do like it…. I just hate the pay and hours.

Another thing Sab said last night was that if you don’t cut corners and try your best then it shows and you do a good job.

I’m over the whole sit at home and wash clothes and be a domestic lady Jane.

Altho I did like getting the grease out of his clothes…. hmmm :)

I’ll get over that soon enough :)

Tomorrow his taking me interstate for the long Easter weekend. Were going back down south to Adelaide.

We both haven’t been there so it will be good going there together.

His got business for the last two or three days but there will be business dinners and that spells get nicely dressed but hears the thing all my nice warm clothes and boots are back home. I don’t know where half the stuff is!

I’ve been keeping up with all the blogs I read but when I try to sign in to publish my comment it refuses me! I hate computers now more then ever. And mobile phones.

So I can only leave comments when I log in to do a post!

Who hates this new blogger?? Me.

I'm off now to colour my overdue hair.

Happy Easter and remember the real reason we celebrate the "holy day" (holiday).

Peace X