Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mixed messages...

Last few days have been uneventful. Good days, just thinking about a few things/people. How everyone you come across in some way influences you.
Jack is one of those people. He has defiantly helped me grow in some ways.
I'm happy. No word from Steelo. I just got off the phone from talking to my best friend and Bronson the dog is being just beautiful.
He had a sore neck on Monday, he was really looking sad and wasn't his happy self. I gave him a massage a few times and he came well. He was so happy, he came into my room that night ditched his nice bed in my mum's room then came all the way down to my room and curled up on the floor next to my bed. He wakes me up by poking his wet nose and licking my face. I open my eyes and there's these happy big brown eyes looking at me and yes, he has a smile!
I'm getting all mushy and gushing over him. We went out for a walk today. It was sooo nice, beautiful sunny day. We walked for an hour and a half and we faced three loose dogs. It was funny one which lives down the end of the street ploughed through the fence and flew towards us! Then it stopped and gave this deep bark (It was a Chinese husky looking thing - kinda big) I put Bronson behind me then he sat in between my legs. I think we were all shocked at the situation; I looked at it "Get INSIDE you naughty boy!" He looked at me and cowered over to the fence! He couldn't get back in! He looked SO GUILTY!!! It was so funny because I then had to tell Bronson to sit and stay - while I let this dog back into his property!
He was so good he just sat and watched. I think myself lucky. Some dogs aren't so nice. But this one I think had just realised that he broke the fence and was now outside his comfort zone.
Funny really.
Bronson's lying next to me sleeping. It feels like company. All stress fades away when I see him.
Moving on.
Another funny/strange thing happened last night.
I was filling in for Frank, as captain of street works. Frank had to go to a lecture for his work.
So I didn't expect him to come out. He ended up popping by because his meeting was near by.
He looked really good. I'm used to seeing him in tracksuit pants, runners and a T-shirt with an oversized street work jacket on. He still looks ok but I liked what I saw last night. Very impressed. It was just black shoes, black pants and an open collar shirt. It was his work clothes.
If someone looks really eye catching I generally tell them so. Nice eyes, hair pants etc.
I thought I'd tell Frank.
"You look so nice tonight, I'd give you a nine"
He smiled and tried to shrug it of as work clothes.
He's always the one saying people should just take complements.
I discussed the fact with one of the other girls there Amy. I made no point of hiding the fact of what I thought. The girl I spoke to was his No.1 admirer. She's besotted by him and he loves the fact that he has her as an admirer.
He took Amy home saying
"Kaz, I'll take Amy home because it saves you having to drop her off in the van and you don't need me back at the sem...? I can just go straight home and go to bed"
"Oh ok, Thanks - Nah that's fine I've got four others to help" (Three young men and another girl. Not much is needed to do at the Sem)
I drive the van back to the sem and we start to unpack it. Everything was out and we were refilling the tea, coffee, Milo etc when I hear a familiar voice.
That sounds like Frank.
I look up and there he was.
He helped Lisa put away the left over milk, then he just kinda...stood around.
I smile and laugh a little.
There really wasn't much to do.
Lisa and the boys went home.
It was just Frank and myself. I was just doing the last few things.
I was wondering why was Frank hanging around?
As I returned the van keys and locked up, He was still standing waiting...but why and for what?
"Thanks Frank again for dropping off Amy and for coming back"
"Yeah, that’s ok. See ya later"
He just walked off to his car and I walked to mine.
End of story.
Why did he stay back with me to the very end?
I'd be lying if the thought of what is he going to do next, didn't pass through my mind. Did he have an alterative motive...
I just think of that drunken/ half sober comment he made to me in the car on the way home from a pub night out.
"Dear Diary, I had a great night tonight...I like Frank and he wants her…”
Something like that followed by some text messages.
I can't remember the exact words but he kept looking at me and smiling.
The next day he apologized for the texts he sent.
They weren't crass or anything. Maybe he felt guilty about sending them because his best friend liked me… I don’t know.
I thought about it in the car on the way home.
I get it!!! I laughed about it.
He loves admires.
He just stood around to be just that!!! He looked good so he'll just stand around and be admired! He's funny!
Again I'd be lying if I didn't wonder if he This is a long post. I usually try and remember that other people can read this but I think this time I have just kept typing like this was my pen to paper diary entry.
I think I'll go on another walk with Bronny tomorrow.
Hopefully it will be another beautiful sunny day.


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