Thursday, April 05, 2007

One week and one day later

Well I arrived yesterday a week ago.

How are things? Going along and still taking it as it comes.

Were learning more about each other and it’s all a learning experience.

I’m still looking for a job. I’m not so picky now. I didn’t want to work on a Saturday but I’m going to have to.

I didn’t want to be a hairdresser but there’s worse things and I need to pay the bills and like Sab says “it’s not forever”.

I do like it…. I just hate the pay and hours.

Another thing Sab said last night was that if you don’t cut corners and try your best then it shows and you do a good job.

I’m over the whole sit at home and wash clothes and be a domestic lady Jane.

Altho I did like getting the grease out of his clothes…. hmmm :)

I’ll get over that soon enough :)

Tomorrow his taking me interstate for the long Easter weekend. Were going back down south to Adelaide.

We both haven’t been there so it will be good going there together.

His got business for the last two or three days but there will be business dinners and that spells get nicely dressed but hears the thing all my nice warm clothes and boots are back home. I don’t know where half the stuff is!

I’ve been keeping up with all the blogs I read but when I try to sign in to publish my comment it refuses me! I hate computers now more then ever. And mobile phones.

So I can only leave comments when I log in to do a post!

Who hates this new blogger?? Me.

I'm off now to colour my overdue hair.

Happy Easter and remember the real reason we celebrate the "holy day" (holiday).

Peace X


Blogger Scott said...

I am shocked! You did not pack your boots?! I am sad, winter is over and spring is here the hooker boot weather is over :(

6:11 AM  
Blogger It's Me said...

You are going to love Adelaide. I stayed there for 2 months. It's a really small town, but it's got charm, and I have no clue where you's from, so don't know what you're used to. Highlights: go to the Barossa Valley for a wine tour! And check out the mall in the center of town (look for the big balls - ask the locals- they'll know). And it's the city of churches - they are quite beautiful...

7:36 AM  

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