This is my budget
In my case the second it’s in my bank – it’s gone.
I’ve crunched some numbers and I have to buckle down.
I know I’ve heard myself say it beore but now I have actually put it down on paper and thought about things – if I don’t start now putting money aside for car rego I’ll be stuffed! As it is now this is how it looks.
Phone bill
Car rego
Weekly shopping/living
Car repayments
Credit card repayments
Then I have
Ryans 18th next week
Brothers birthday in August (limit $30)
One wedding in September + Sabs birthday
Another wedding in October + I’m flying back for that so need spending money for hire car and food.
Then it’s November and then December you have Christmas and car rego.
I get $500 a week and it looks nice to look at but by the time I’ve taken out all I need to I have minus – about $-80
Back home I had two jobs hairdressing being the second. I could also do it from home.
I got buy because I got paid monthly in one job and got but on me other job through the week.
I can see a light at the end of all this but it’s going to take a very long time to get there.
I’ve got to stop buying un necessary stuff.
Like today. I’m off to the op shop I need to buy something “crazy” to where for this dance night on Friday night.
My cousins coming up in August – that’s more money. I have to have them all around for dinner. There’s $140 right there. I’ll have to feed 8or 9 kids 7 or 8 adults and that’s only one night!!! Put on a BBQ and have it at a park.
This is my thoughts.
Also I need to get out and get involved in some sort of sport. I’m going to walk up the steep hill we have in town, that won’t cost anything. But if I can join a soccer club or something well soccer is $300 and there is also an expense doing something like that.
Do I sound down? I feel a little overwhelmed by it all but to look on the bright side I have about $200 coming back in tax in about a month or two.
God will work it out.
Yeah – it’ll be ok.
I have to go and uy some food.