Monday, January 02, 2006

Kazarama turns ONE!

That's right, I've had a few people drop in and out in this time and followed others journey and it's been interesting.
I clicked back into June last year and I liked that post so much I'd thought I'd paste it below.
June 18th 2005
I am interested in men that are secure in themselves, that are intelligent, resourceful and capable. I am not impressed by your car, stereo, or the notches on your bedpost. I'm not interested in the names you can drop, the money you make/waste, or the way you dress. And I certainly could care less how long your dick is.

I want what's in your mind and soul. I want to know what is the worst thing you've ever done and if you regret it. I want to know what makes you laugh. What you consider justice. I want to know what excites and motivates you. I want to know what makes you strong and what will bring you to your knees. Only then, will I be interested in what might be in your pants and what you can do with it.

I had just re read this from my June 18th - taken from Miss X's post.
I should of re read it a few weeks ago.

I'm in two minds weather or not to give "Eve" this blog address. Hmmm...
Apart of me does a part of me dosen't.
I've seen from Scott's blog what can happen. But I guess when you have nothing to loose there's no problem.

I hate writing like It's to a person. But I guess this post is to you.
This is me.
This whole Blog is a year of me.


Blogger Scott said...

Two things Kaz, 1.)Since I am not secure in myself ... i am heart broken and 2.)If this Eve is a good friend it will work out for the best giving her your url, my mistake was thinking Opehlia was a friend, she was just some I knew - then again I hit a low point ths evening so don't listen to me

1:50 PM  

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