Christmas is comming up and a corner of my heart is a little empty in one little corner...
Well today was super busy at work - did I just say "super"
oh - I shake my head i'm really tired.
It feels like a Thursday and it's only Tuesday.
I got home and got something to eat looked at Damon and I knew I had to walk him, I was sooo tired but took him out anyway.
I'm glad I did, he really enjoyed it.
I met Terri again walking her dog and Damon and Lou lou played and ran about for ages.
Were going to take them to a lake one day cos they got along really well.
Damon still sleeps with me. Last night my cat Tessa decided she will sleep with us too! She cruled up in one of my drawers which I keep my tops, I went to sleep with Damon curled up, snuggling in next to me and the sound of Tessa purring away quite contentedly.
I'm really happy :)
My mind does wonder occasionally and think of Jack. I think that's just cos of the test messages and getting led on to a point of almost no return - well no return if we were in person that is but we weren't.
I thought of the date and it's the 8th. That means that Jack is offically no longer involved in Street works.
Just thinking that my cheeks got hot. They sitll are. I guess When I think of Christmas comming up with street works, I think of him, Goosey, Frank and a few others but I guess my christmas is spent with these people.
I do the family lunch with my family but any un nessary time spent with my brother - he usually yells and argues or finds something negative about anything ot complaine about.
Christmas with him is not happy memories. The Two past Christmas Eve BBQs with street works have been the most happy and memoriable nights.
Singing carrols, being with the "streeties" really enjoying everyones company and everyone is in such a great mood and usually the wheather is beautiful.
I sigh. Times change.
I don't doubt it will be fablous but a part of me is feeling a little empty - just a little corner of my heart that is so happy at the moment feels a little dark and empty.
It's only now tho - I could feel fine tomorrow. I've had a drink tonight but only one.
Damon is fast asleep on the floor he's ran himself out tonight!
Gee - christmas is just round the corner! I need to start and make my christmas rcards. I make the ones for close friends and people who I know will like them.
I wonder what to say when I get asked "what do you want for christmas"
Mum and Brother. I want them to just experience the love in giving at christmas.
Giving to others, by action doing something for someone elce.
Buying presents and giving them to children who may not get anything.
At christmas a bag with general essentials is given out to the "streeties". I want to put something in it but don't know what. Something - i'll pray about it and figure something out.
I feel so lovey dovey. I think it's christmas and Damon. When I look at hi and his cute little face you can't help but smile at him and he then wagges his little tail :))
I'm so tired.
I have wierd dreams about my teeth being so loose then they start to fall out and they fill my mouth and i spit them into my hand and i'm feeling really upset, worried and think "oh no!My teeth!!!"
Stupid dreams!!!
I better go.
oh - I shake my head i'm really tired.
It feels like a Thursday and it's only Tuesday.
I got home and got something to eat looked at Damon and I knew I had to walk him, I was sooo tired but took him out anyway.
I'm glad I did, he really enjoyed it.
I met Terri again walking her dog and Damon and Lou lou played and ran about for ages.
Were going to take them to a lake one day cos they got along really well.
Damon still sleeps with me. Last night my cat Tessa decided she will sleep with us too! She cruled up in one of my drawers which I keep my tops, I went to sleep with Damon curled up, snuggling in next to me and the sound of Tessa purring away quite contentedly.
I'm really happy :)
My mind does wonder occasionally and think of Jack. I think that's just cos of the test messages and getting led on to a point of almost no return - well no return if we were in person that is but we weren't.
I thought of the date and it's the 8th. That means that Jack is offically no longer involved in Street works.
Just thinking that my cheeks got hot. They sitll are. I guess When I think of Christmas comming up with street works, I think of him, Goosey, Frank and a few others but I guess my christmas is spent with these people.
I do the family lunch with my family but any un nessary time spent with my brother - he usually yells and argues or finds something negative about anything ot complaine about.
Christmas with him is not happy memories. The Two past Christmas Eve BBQs with street works have been the most happy and memoriable nights.
Singing carrols, being with the "streeties" really enjoying everyones company and everyone is in such a great mood and usually the wheather is beautiful.
I sigh. Times change.
I don't doubt it will be fablous but a part of me is feeling a little empty - just a little corner of my heart that is so happy at the moment feels a little dark and empty.
It's only now tho - I could feel fine tomorrow. I've had a drink tonight but only one.
Damon is fast asleep on the floor he's ran himself out tonight!
Gee - christmas is just round the corner! I need to start and make my christmas rcards. I make the ones for close friends and people who I know will like them.
I wonder what to say when I get asked "what do you want for christmas"
Mum and Brother. I want them to just experience the love in giving at christmas.
Giving to others, by action doing something for someone elce.
Buying presents and giving them to children who may not get anything.
At christmas a bag with general essentials is given out to the "streeties". I want to put something in it but don't know what. Something - i'll pray about it and figure something out.
I feel so lovey dovey. I think it's christmas and Damon. When I look at hi and his cute little face you can't help but smile at him and he then wagges his little tail :))
I'm so tired.
I have wierd dreams about my teeth being so loose then they start to fall out and they fill my mouth and i spit them into my hand and i'm feeling really upset, worried and think "oh no!My teeth!!!"
Stupid dreams!!!
I better go.
The best part i thought anyway was readin about damon asleep next to you with your cat close by and everything was at peace. It sounds like you found Contentment in your life at that moment.
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