Saturday, November 05, 2005

I got my bubby!!!!

Yes that's right! I got a dog! He's name is Damon ( I didn't name him but I've got use to it)
He's a gray hound crossed with a wolf hound. He's dark chocolate brown bib brown eyes and he's just georgus!
He is the dog that I was after a few weeks ago at street works and my mission has begun to put weight on his skinny ribby frame. I got him Wednesday night. Brian brought him for me and then dropped him off at my house at 12.30am after he had finished street works!
I was stunned and sooo excited! The next day I dropped him off at the vets and he got nutered, vaccinated, wormed, blood tested and I brought him a toy that you put peanut utter in and he spends a while licking it out.
He's a little lonely being by himself all day but once he gets his stiches out and the big plastic thing off his head (to stop him from licking himself) I can walk him and wash him and give him a big meaty bone :))
We spent the first night out under the stars in the hot wind. It was cooler outside then in.
He sleeps in my room on the floor - this morning I he crawled up onto my bed and slept for an hour or two.
I'm soo happy. mHe's sitting on my feet as I type. He's so cute. He's only 18 months old so he's still growing - a bit more but already he's huge.
He was all happy to see me today :)) wagged his tail and he's taken to liking my hand. I played around with him tonight and he liked my face :)) He's starting to settle in.

On my way to work this morning I prayed to God "Please, Just help me get through the day, Help things to work out and for me to have a good day"
It happened. One of the guys I worked with I spoke to when it was just the two of us and he said " We (him and Liney) were just talking last night saying how much you have to do. Theres heaps. The show, end of month,admin stuff that has to get done - you have been the first to get hear and the last to leave AND for the past two days you haven't had a lunch break and or a propper lunch break for ages!"
I felt a million dollars"So it's obvious that i'm actually working??"
"I needed to hear that, I was almost at breaking point!"
He's a really nice guy. They all are really.
So I stayed back with my boss tonight and did stuff for the show on Sunday. I'm starting at 6.30 sunday so that means a 5.30am get up maybe 5.15am. work all the way till about 7 pm. I'm excited about it.
I'm looking forward to putting faces to the voices I have spoken to - sometimes up to seven or more times a day!

I went out tonight with Jack, it was good we saw a band had a couple of drinks and chatted. No wierdness - just the same :)
So thats good.

Well It's 1.10 am. I have to work today at 9am so I better go sleep, I need to do better then last weeks 8!


Blogger Scott said...

I want a boxer

4:22 PM  

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