Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Closure and today

So stupid me sends a text to Eve tonight.
I was wondering what's my chances that he'll reply... I didn't think he would.
A friend of mine said I should - I knew I shouldn't of but... I thought I already have closure. I guess he has to. Dam. Oh well.

Steve's comming home eairlier, I got his email today he's over the third world countries! He should be home on the weekend :)

I've been working at this new job for three months yesterday.
Seems stuid but I didn't want to say anything in case they fired me.
There's confidence for ya!

I had a pick me up from the guys at work today. Not intentionally - I was asking aout the D & D Ball (desprate and dateless) Now I'm niether but It's not something to be taken lititally. It may seem like fun with the right people but Thea's overseas, Jay...nah.
Then one of the guys I work with pipes up "kaz your a nice type of girl you don't need to go to that" and the other agrees and adds "you wouldn't need to go"
I laughed kinda embarrassed,flattered - I looked at the ball thinking it's a chance to get dressed up, drink cheap drinks, dance and have a good night with friends.
I wouldn't even want to pick up or kiss anyone for that matter.
I should have NOT INTERESTED pasted on my head.

As I said it would be fun with the right person but that's just not going to happen she's a million miles away.
There goes that Idea.

My computer seems to be working again - I don't know how long for but I hope this continues.


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