Saturday, June 03, 2006

The past week

I don’t want to see Gareth again. He’s not a bad person – there’s just no spark. Nothing but maybe because his so shy and quiet would have something to do with it.
I went out with Gareth on Sunday and Wednesday then on Thursday I’m sitting in bed winding down getting ready to go to sleep, I’m reading a Christian book and the bible. I was thinking about Eve, I stoped and thought about him. Prayed about him I thought
“God I’d like to see him again”
Bang! I get a text. Yes – it’s Eve.
Now this has happened before I would think about him ask God about him and like on cue he sends me a text!
He then called and we spoke –“come round and watch a movie”
“hmmm – yeeahh…”
So I ended up going around there and we watched TV and talked.
It was good – no sex no anything. It was just nice.
I asked him by text on the way home if he wanted to go to the movies and see the D Di venci Code.
“I’ll think about it” was his response.
“Don’t worry about it”
“Keep reading your books”
I left it at that. Whatever – It’s not a hard question – Do you want to go see a movie? Yes or No. Not hard. Obviously nothing will happen because we don’t want that anymore.

I went out with a married man with a kid and one the way on Friday, just as friends. I work with him. I’m to trusting. Naïve. Stupid. In the end I spent the night telling him that his marriage is worth saving and he shouldn’t cheat or do anything like this. (Being that we went out for dinner and he put his arm around me all the time, looking at me intently)
When we left to walk home I told him “No. Don’t, you can’t do that”
It really wasn’t a good situation. I feel bad for his wife. I feel bad that I let him as long as he did even tho I knew it was wrong. Next time I’m going with my gut feeling. If it doesn’t feel right DON”T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
God I feel really bad. He just had his arm around me but that ‘s bad enough.
Doooahhh. Whatever. I shake me head. Whatever. Sigh. I’m such an idiot.
I feel terrible. Sigh. I won’t let him do that again or myself. I hold little respect for people who cheat on their partner.
I guess it’s a good thing I have a conscience.


Blogger Sara said...

Odds are, if you said something about the guys wife/marriage and he still kept it up, he's cheated before.
It's unfair to be in that siutation and there's no nice or easy way to avoid it unless you avoid the person all together.
Hang in there, Kaz. You're a brilliant young woman who (whether you think so or not) has her head on straight and you will be just fine. These road blocks won't stop you, just make you more aware of your situation. You'll be Ok.

5:07 PM  
Blogger kaz said...

Thanks sara,
He made me more aware of men who cheat and that I have to be more assertive from the very start(with those married/partner)

Someone has to last more then two dates, altho I think I got rid of Gareth by asking "where do you see yourself in 5 years time?" I kinda did it on puropse. It's a Sure way to stop anymore contact.
oh well (enter shrug)

5:36 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

no all of us are that bad

6:35 AM  
Blogger kaz said...

Just the ones that I seem to attract!

7:14 PM  

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