Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I've been stood up! First Jack now EVE!

I’m so tired.
I was stood up last night. MAJOR STOOD UP!!!
Eve text me “do you want to go to the movies”
So I said yes.
He strung me along….
I went home after awhile. I was, well, confused. Really, really confused. I was tired. So tired that I felt sick. I’ve been feeling like that since last week.
(Not pregnant – I checked.)
I couldn’t believe that he just didn’t come. Didn’t call or text. I went home and went to bed. I woke up at 11.30pm and text him.
Nearly 30 texts later and an hour and a bit. That was it.
He apologised.
I sent him a text saying
“Please delete my number. I’m not one for hurting people and empty promises. I care about you, I thought you were nice, trusting and wouldn’t lead me on to believe your interested in me as a person – when your clearly not. To have someone close, to touch their skin, to care for them is great but not when the other person really doesn’t care for them at all”
I was glad I sent it. It was hard to do but I did it.
We text some more. I told him straight out how I felt.
“Please delete my number. It makes me upset to ask but it’s just easier if you do :’( “
He didn’t want to. I don’t know if he did. He apologised I didn’t return that message.
A part of me still want’s him to call me but I know that he shouldn’t because he only wants me for sex which was fine for then just not anymore. Because I couldn’t de tach myself from it. It meant too much to me.

I’m soooo tired and anti social. Fi called. I still haven’t seen her baby.
I’m annoyed that she didn’t tell me when she was born till the Wednesday but then didn’t contact me till a week later for a time to come around. By that time a lot of people had been flocking in to see her.
Whatever. I’m probably making a big deal out of it. But I guess I just feel a bit rejected. F**k. The story of my F***EN LIFE!
Not happy. I feel like crying. I’m not going to.


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