More Photos!!!!!

It worked again!!!!!!!
This is Tessa, she's twelve years old and is the most beautiful cat, she has NEVER sctatched me or done anything to hurt me. She's all cozy on my bed looking georgus!
If the other photo comes out it's a Sunset that was taken at a lake which was Theas last day in Australia before she flew to U.S.A
OMG!!! It worked too!!!!!!!
I agree, that is a cute cat.
You aren't the Kaz I at first assumed you to be. You posted on my blog early this morning... Something to the effect of "mmmm, sushi." So I figured I'd toss you a comment as well.
Sorry to read that you are ill but in response to your doctors advice, I wouldn't fear a protein supplement. It's not going to make you fat or have any other negative effect on you. Most people, active or not, don't get enough protein in their diets. The real culprits are bad fats and processed sugars. But eating healthy and balanced (40% healthy carbs, 30% protein, 30% healthy fats) foods should be good enough.
Anyways, thanks for your comment. I hope your health improves sooner then later.
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