Sunday, February 19, 2006

Days of our lives

I went back home today to revisit the doctors.
Blood test came back positive for Glandular fever, so it just confirmed her 99.9% diagnosis.
We came home and we saw the woman across the road that has lived there for over thirty years and knows everyone and thing that goes on in the street.
Conveniently she was "watering" her garden when Eve came round.
So we caught up on the "gossip"
"The ambulance came this morning and took Dennis who lives two doors down from you to the hospital. Then another one came not long after - it must have been his heart ..." She went on and conversation changed.
Later my brother is showing mum and I his new hand held radio.
"I can pick up police, ambulances - hey there was an ambulance that came this morning!!"
"Yeah, I know"
"How do you know??!!" Him wanting to be the one with all the inside info.
"Oh, mum knows too"
"Mum? Hey Mum - what was it about??"
"Oh, I don't no"
"Yes you do" I say
"No I don't"
"Um...Oh Yeah that's right, what?"
"Oh,My God.! Ma!"
"Oh - That's right..."
She remembered but it took awhile.
"I can't believe you mum, your loosing the plot!"
"I think I am!" she laughs
"Yeah, you are" I shake my head in disbelief that she looks like she is really loosing the plot by laughing about it.
She's now outside and I can hear her as she curses at the ride on lawn mower, tinkers about, tries to restart it and ... she's off again.
She's put all the cable channels on the T.V for me as I’m hear another week.
I'm not more antibiotics.

Arr - these are the days of our lives


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