Thursday, February 16, 2006

Too much thinking is bad for ya brain

Well , I’m laid out on the couch eating frozen Yoghurt, listening to the T.V in the back ground.
I’ve slept heaps today and it’s only 2pm.
It’s a beautiful day outside yet I just want to lay on the couch and not move.
My mum had the Jehova witness people come round today for a “talk” – preach.
Damon was outside and wouldn’t stop barking .
I could hear them talking and Damon wouldn’t stop. In fact he took it up a notch and was louder and continues! I was banished to my room while these people came round.
Mum doesn’t want me to be the cause of an indifference of opinion.
Damon soon joined me, as no one could talk while he was outside.

I’m starting to feel tired again.

Just thinking about Friends.
My two best friends are miles away. One overseas the other about a two hour drive away. But If they needed me I’d fly, drive hitch hike whatever it takes to get there.
We just know that we are there for each other.
We don’t have to talk daily, weekly we don’t have to say we “should catch up”
“We should talk more often” We understand that we live our own lives and were busy.
I love them dearly and we just understand.
We have space.
I’ve been friends with Thea for 11 years and Ange for 6 years.

Being sick has made me realise that sometimes things happen for a reason.
I’ve been told that if I don’t rest, get stressed out and over work yourself this fever will came back.
So I’m thinking I’ll be seeing it again in – oh –June.
I’m not a person who takes life easy.
I had set myself a goal to run 14 kilometres . The run was scheduled for April this year.
I was running and working up to it. I even actually walked/ran it once. It took forever but I felt ok. It also wrote me off for two weeks after it but I kept going.
Now. I can’t contemplate it. I’d have to start from scratch again and “take it easy”.
I shake my head.
Ok God. I’ll listen. What is it that I should be focusing on?
I’m resting and it may take awhile but I’m confident something is in stall for me.
I may not end up going overseas. But I don’t know. I just have to listen and do what I hear.
How do I know if what I hear is right? Well you just know.
I knew that I wasn’t meant to sleep with Eve. I mean I just choose not to listen and I did my own thing.
I knew Jack was always going to hurt me yet I still did my own thing.
I have to listen. It probably sounds strange to those of you who aren’t Christian.
But when you start to listen good things happen and it’s when you don’t – you know but yet you still choose not to listen. I do this quite often.
But I’m only human, I can only try.

Now I'm stuffed.
That has zapped out any energy that I had left in me.
I need another shower...


Blogger Scott said...

How do you know what you are listening to is the correct path? I have gone to church and I don't know if I was really intuned or just did it for my brother so I was going through the motions and not really "feeling" it. Do you know what I mean?

1:31 AM  
Blogger kaz said...

To have a relationship with God.
Get to know him and what he does then ask him to work in your own life.
The "feeling" well I think it just comes when you get to know him.
Ask for help, guidence.
Sometimes things are obvious and some times they aren't. It's a journey it's when you look back and say "oh yeah,that's why that happened... I need to go through that because..."
Yes, It's a journey. It's looking back and understanding how you got to how you are now and how you can help others. I think it's also taking pride in who you are as a person. Bad things happen but it's what you do and how you deal with the problem. Lean on God and be helped or do it yourself and struggle.
Sometimes there's something stopping you from getting to know him. Work, Stress, Relationship problems they all stop you from seeing clearly and listening.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

At times I tried to listen to the message of the pastor and sometimes I got it but most times it left me asking what? I feel that since I stopped going to church about a year ago, he has taken away everything I held dear, promising career, friends, nice house to live in. I should go back, I want to but not sure if I would be welcomed. it sounds silly does it not?

2:19 PM  

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