Sunday, February 26, 2006

I can cook !!! - Well Almost

I got up early today and went to church. I haven't been to a morning service for ages, It was good makes me think about "street works" I should be doing more.
I can't even think about doing anything at the moment besides sleeping and trying to stay positive that I will be able to walk Damon in a week or so and i won't get a cold or anything before I'm compleatly back to my old self.
I've been told by everyone that it really wipes you out.
I don't want to believe it - but I feel it.

I pushed myself today to get up go to church, do the shopping then Cook! I have to mention that I can't and don't cook but desprate times call for desperate measures.
In my time spent with my mum at the country she showed me how to cook "Chow mien"
and a meatloaf.
I made "chow stuff" at my mums and stuffed it. Forgot the rice and beans and stirring it so it burnt.
So today I put it to the test. I added fancy things like Bay leaves and thai spice peppers and chilli.
I once again forgot to stir it, Well I totally forgot all about it - And the water, So it burnt and stuck to the bottom but it wasn't so bad stir it around and it was fine.
Altho I must say I hate chopping onion, I had tears pouring down my face and had to take a break for five minutes.
So I was quite pleased with myself. I need to eat better meals. No breakfast for dinner and so forth.

So after cooking and cleaning up all the dishes I feel exausted.
I'm not hungry for dinner.
I'm not hungry at all.
I'm forcing myself to eat because I know my body needs food to get through the day, provide energy ect.

MY necks sore, needs a massage.
I need to sleep.


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