Two days in one post
Thursday 6pm
I go home tomorrow…
I had a sorta bigish day today.
I did five sit ups in the morning, washed and blow dryed the front of my hair, hung out a load of washing, went into town looked at an op shop, went shopping for about fifteen minutes came home and had to sleep for an hour. I was woken up by Damon running inside and smushing his wet nose into my face and licking m in the eye.
That’s one way to wake up! He tends to that every morning, He’s pretty cute.
So I can’t sleep because it’s to late and If I sleep now I won’t be able to sleep later.
I went and brought that protein powder. It’s not a meal replacement so that’s good.
I want to feel healthy. I want to feel energy. I want to feel like I did before I got this stupid Glandular fever!
It’s kinda hard to do when you can’t exercise.
One of the girls from hairdressing work sent me a text asking how I was and if she could do anything to help me out.
That was really nice. She’s great.
I had this conversation with my mum yesterday which I laugh at, it’s stupid really.
“You need to start and take that Berocca” ( Vitamin drink thing)
“That is gross, It’s discusting!”
“No it’s not”
“Yes it is”
“No, it’s not. Not this one”
“I know which one it is and it’s the same, It’s gross”
“No it’s not”
“Ma, at what point am I able to have my own opionion??!!” Finding this amusing,
She starts to laugh. Oh, mum
I’m thinking that I’ll start some Yoga or something.
That’s kinda slow…
This is ridiculus I’m outer hear.
Today I go home. My mums phone line has been dropping out hence the two in one post.
I’ve decided to leave Damon up at my mums for another week with out me.
I feel really sad about it. But I figure he will have the company and exercise which he wouldn’t get back home. I can’t exercise him but I know I will try to and possibly get sick then it would back to square one.
I’ll miss him like crazy, I already do and it’s just the thought of leaving him!!!
But I would feel terriable not being to walk him and for him to be stuck in a small backyard. At least hear he has other dogs to play with and exercise himself and mum loves him.
Mums latest is that she’s going to take on two CALVES !!!!! To be given back after six or eight months. Yeah right!!!! I told her that she would grow attached and she even said that she would have to buy them and keep them!!!!
“Ma, think about it! Those things live for years!!! Another mouth to feed! It could live for another twenty years! Double the work load, food money …. And I’m not looking after any cows in any future!!!!”
She starts laughing seeing the funny side to it – but it’s true!!
I think a horse, two dogs, a cat, two birds and two goats are more then enough to look after. She’s also been offered another old horse and wants to take on these calves!
They are breed to eat. Beef calves. No way can my mum give them away to eat!
I’m only being realistic.
Back to work tomorrow. Hairdressing – I’m looking forward to it, also to see how I stand up to it.
So my mum gives me some fake roses, she got from valentines day from her old folks group she goes to.
“Do you want them?”
“Yeah, I could put them in my hair” – I then do so.
“What do you think? To big?”
“I don’t know”
“Mum it’s your opinion” – I say as she walks off, I take it out of my hair.
Mum comes and sits back down.
“Show me” I turn to get the rose and put back into my hair –
“Yeah, looks good”
“Ma! I haven’t got anything in my hair!!!!”
She laughs, and laughs. I do too.
What the!!!
Well, I’ve arrived home – with out Damon and feeling a little empty without him near by.
Work tomorrow. Must go sleep.
I go home tomorrow…
I had a sorta bigish day today.
I did five sit ups in the morning, washed and blow dryed the front of my hair, hung out a load of washing, went into town looked at an op shop, went shopping for about fifteen minutes came home and had to sleep for an hour. I was woken up by Damon running inside and smushing his wet nose into my face and licking m in the eye.
That’s one way to wake up! He tends to that every morning, He’s pretty cute.
So I can’t sleep because it’s to late and If I sleep now I won’t be able to sleep later.
I went and brought that protein powder. It’s not a meal replacement so that’s good.
I want to feel healthy. I want to feel energy. I want to feel like I did before I got this stupid Glandular fever!
It’s kinda hard to do when you can’t exercise.
One of the girls from hairdressing work sent me a text asking how I was and if she could do anything to help me out.
That was really nice. She’s great.
I had this conversation with my mum yesterday which I laugh at, it’s stupid really.
“You need to start and take that Berocca” ( Vitamin drink thing)
“That is gross, It’s discusting!”
“No it’s not”
“Yes it is”
“No, it’s not. Not this one”
“I know which one it is and it’s the same, It’s gross”
“No it’s not”
“Ma, at what point am I able to have my own opionion??!!” Finding this amusing,
She starts to laugh. Oh, mum
I’m thinking that I’ll start some Yoga or something.
That’s kinda slow…
This is ridiculus I’m outer hear.
Today I go home. My mums phone line has been dropping out hence the two in one post.
I’ve decided to leave Damon up at my mums for another week with out me.
I feel really sad about it. But I figure he will have the company and exercise which he wouldn’t get back home. I can’t exercise him but I know I will try to and possibly get sick then it would back to square one.
I’ll miss him like crazy, I already do and it’s just the thought of leaving him!!!
But I would feel terriable not being to walk him and for him to be stuck in a small backyard. At least hear he has other dogs to play with and exercise himself and mum loves him.
Mums latest is that she’s going to take on two CALVES !!!!! To be given back after six or eight months. Yeah right!!!! I told her that she would grow attached and she even said that she would have to buy them and keep them!!!!
“Ma, think about it! Those things live for years!!! Another mouth to feed! It could live for another twenty years! Double the work load, food money …. And I’m not looking after any cows in any future!!!!”
She starts laughing seeing the funny side to it – but it’s true!!
I think a horse, two dogs, a cat, two birds and two goats are more then enough to look after. She’s also been offered another old horse and wants to take on these calves!
They are breed to eat. Beef calves. No way can my mum give them away to eat!
I’m only being realistic.
Back to work tomorrow. Hairdressing – I’m looking forward to it, also to see how I stand up to it.
So my mum gives me some fake roses, she got from valentines day from her old folks group she goes to.
“Do you want them?”
“Yeah, I could put them in my hair” – I then do so.
“What do you think? To big?”
“I don’t know”
“Mum it’s your opinion” – I say as she walks off, I take it out of my hair.
Mum comes and sits back down.
“Show me” I turn to get the rose and put back into my hair –
“Yeah, looks good”
“Ma! I haven’t got anything in my hair!!!!”
She laughs, and laughs. I do too.
What the!!!
Well, I’ve arrived home – with out Damon and feeling a little empty without him near by.
Work tomorrow. Must go sleep.
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