Monday, October 24, 2005

I can't sleep and I don't want to feel like I need someone.

I can't believe this!!!
Keep crap that goes on in organizing stuff is soo ridiculous!!!
"What about those people who can't drink"
"What part didn't I fill out?"
"I'd like to come but can't afford it now"
"Can I get a free stand?"
"DO I get a refund?"
I'm STUNNED at the questions I get asked!
These are from work and other gatherings i'm having a part in.
I just want to get rather tipsy.
I think I might see if I can stay at Gooseys.
I just need to relax. I can't sleep (the amount of caffeine doesn't help) I got about three hours last night and I woke up at 5.30am and watched a movie.
I felt like I could go for a run.
I shake my head. Can't please everyone. My response is "Hmmm...Let's remember that for next year." Pass it on and do just that.

I had my first guitar lesson tonight!
It was quite good and I learnt alot.
I'm going to trade in 'Josh" and buy Something a little more better.
Or keep him...

I'm getting my motor bike license. I don't know if I want a road bike but I'd like to go on a weekend tour on a trail bike and need to know how to ride one.
I'm a bit scared about it but I want to do it to over come it and have fun. I've always been a passenger. Except once but I didn't get it out of first gear.

How do I feel?
I'm not tired inside but sorta am outside.
My brain isn't switching off.
I'm thinking about Saturday night, The work function, Hair tomorrow night, Not being able to sleep tonight and working tomorrow, My motorbike license, Egypt, Thea coming back and me getting tossed to the side when a guy comes along. Being Elliott.
I'm occasionally thinking to Jack. What will "street works" Will be like without him?
There have been a lot of people coming and going this year.
A part of me misses them. I loved my first group we had going. That was great, But nothing stays the same. But Jack has always been there...
I don't know.

I better go.
I want to cry now. Maybe I'm just being emotional. No. I really feel like a part of me is a little empty or will be.
I just want to relax and unwind. I want a massage. I want a lot of things - well that doesn't mean that I always get what I want.
I'm settling in more at work, I'll be glad when this big event is over then it's time to plan the next one!!!
Christmas is just around the corner, I'm making cards and small gifts this year.
I usually do something a little different in cards and I like making individual cards for people.
An old friend of mine got engaged a few weeks ago I spoke to him two nights ago and he was saying "How's the men in your life"
"Non existent"
"Don't you want someone??"
"It's the best feeling when you look at the person you love so much and see that they are smiling back at you and you just love to make them happy. You can't beat that feeling."
"Thanks Pete"
"Yeah it is"
"Is she near you?"
thinking hes just saying this to win points.
"No, she's outside."
Yep thanks for taking me back to those feelings. The ones we love so much the ones which I hate and don't like because I've been strung along by a lot of men.
Yep, thanks.
Thanks for reminding me of my ex and how I loved him and he just took it in.
remind me of what it's like to have my heart broken and shattered into a thousand pieces only to be taped up for the next person.
Yep - I made the right choice. At least now I'm happy.
Well actually I am.
Even tho it may not sound like it - I am.
could I watch T.V from 4pm Saturday till 2.30am if I had someone next to me wanting to do something different? No.
So hence - I like the way things are at the moment. :))
I feel better now.


Blogger Scott said...

i lots of thoughts, a lot of questions, and a lot of answers to the questions. I like how you can organize yourself and you seem as if you have your stuff together, unlike me. i could take a lesson from your blogging very refreshing to read.

11:57 AM  
Blogger kaz said...

What questions?
What do do you mean?

11:04 PM  

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