Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hitting the pov line

I was really tired at work today.
I went and saw my mum at mons and we had lunch and chatted. It was nice to see her again.
Although I went and coloured my hair so I was in and out a bit.
My hair was looking fuzzy and gross so I coloured it and now it’s all shiny.
I hate the cold and it’s winter now.
I’m feeling the pinch of not having any money. I had to put in $5 into my car for petrol. That’s all I had and it didn’t get rid of the low fuel that lights up on the dash.
I just hope it can get me to work tomorrow; I’ll get some money and be ok.
I’ve also been making food last further. Add milk into the yoghurt and you can almost get double the size :)

I better go to bed. I’m reading a Christian devotional book at the moment along with the bible and it interesting. I read about relationships and stuff. I can see why Eve is the way he is.
Funny it talks about “passion” which is how I refer to Eve. Passion.
Where you just want to rip off the other person’s clothes, feel so close skin on skin, lips on lips….
Ok I better stop there.
I deleted his phone number out of my phone to stop myself from texting him.
I think I still have his number in my computer but not on my phone.
Better that way.
I better go to bed 7.45pm!


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