Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Today I’m tired. I went to work without my glasses and got sore eyes and found it hard to read the screen.
Then one of the girls asked if I could cut her hair. So I did after work.
Soooooo tired.
Now I’ve got a headache. I ate rice for lunch with tomato sauce.
It was gross but I was hungry so I also had a “health bar”. I now feel like I want to hurl. Those things are so gross. I was just so hungry. Was it worth it – No!

I just ate crap today. Building unneeded insulation just to add to what’s there.
I need to eat more vegetables I was going to go out to the shops but I was too tired. So dinner? Not happening.
I had red wine instead.
I feel so bloated.
I knew I would. I can’t eat that crap.
I was going to go out tonight to the spinning room but I’m way to tired and sickish.

Eve. Heh heh heh…. Heh hehe hehe…
Arr… funny.
I have a smile on my face like a child hiding a chocolate before dinner or something.

I decided that I’m not going to be cold this winter hence I layer on the clothes.
Three or four layers aren’t unusual.

I need to go to bed. Brother is out at work so I don’t need to see him. Yea.

I need to Iron my new coat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:25 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

I hate cooking, i prefer nuking my food. Which is bad for you so i try to make plans to eat healthier but never do. Hope you feel better

7:06 AM  

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