Friday, April 28, 2006

My Blog

Early nights is seems to equal to M*A*S*H re runs and my guitar.
And of course the blog.

I'm tired now. My glands are up in my neck; one girl at my work took yesterday off sick and came in today feeling average.
Another girl at the hairdressers is sick and telling everyone about it.
My immune system is shot so I'm really trying to steer clear.

I'm going out tomorrow night. I got a text from Ian. Now, hears the thing.
He said to come along and bring a friend.
You wouldn’t think that was so hard considering that I know a fair few people.
As I’ve said before - I go to poetry nights by myself and meet people there and the more I seem to go, you end up going by yourself but meeting them there.
So you’re not really by yourself.
None of my friends are into poetry. They don’t want to go into the city; they stay at home with babies/husbands/boyfriends/partners.
I text one girl and I’m hope she’ll come. She said she might.

I’ll go regardless, I just think it would be nice to go with someone.
It’s a gathering/gig/drinks of sorts at Ian’s wherehouse type room.
If Thee were hear, she would come.
I smile, she sent me the same text back saying that she’s going out on Saturday night and would love me to be there with her.
I really miss her.
It’s probably a good thing that we're not together. It’s the bad leading the worse equally!! I guess that’s what makes it so fun… (Enter small child smile and giggle ;))

I’m driving in to the city tomorrow, so I can’t drive which is crap but I guess it’s either I do that or do go.

I’ve been running almost every day this week. Not tonight - thanks to my sore throat but it helps my mental state to run. I think I’d be a shambles if I didn’t.
I feel my self turn around a bit, in that I’m more positive. It still gets hard living hear but to be able to get up and get out is the good thing.


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