Wednesday, August 17, 2005

MY SONG!!!!!! My Life

Well today I am SOOOO happy!
Which is great cos the last few weeks just sucked.
Yesterday I had an interview for a job which I want in Property management.
It went well and looks promising.
I colored Jacks hair today. It looked really good. As always - He's a good canvas :)
I'm smiling. Why? Because I got the balls up and sung him my song - While playing my guitar.
I was sooooo nervous. But I was so glad I did! I did it! I sung AND played my guitar in front of another person!In front of him! I stuffed up the chords a bit because I was a little insecure but as I play I get better and more confident.
He said there's no need to feel that way in front of him. That helped and after that it got easier.
He said he was impressed. I guess if your passionate about something you Keep on it.

Now I'll post the lyrics.


The rain falls down on me tonight,
My shadow walks me home tonight,
Darkness it helps to fight
Tears falling from my eyes,
Falling from my eyes

I'm walking through shattered dreams,
Confusion stops a thousand things,
Thoughts that fill my head
with wrong things that I said

Walking in the rain
I'm walking in the pouring rain
I can't help but feel the pain

Tears falling from my eyes
I can't say I'm surprised
Walking home alone
Lonely in the cold
I am ...So alone

I kinda like it, Just played it with no stuff ups and got all the words right.
That would be right.
No one's hear.

Oh hears something.
Steelo called a few nights ago! I remember he said that he was finishing work up in Sydney at the end of the month.
ohhh. I don't know what else to do. I don't return his messages, I don't answer his calls - I've cut off all contact. Yet he still calls!?!
I don't get it.
We are just not compatable. I'm city - his country
I like the great outdoors but I love going to the city drinking and chilling out.
Watching the locals perform. I like the great out doors but not as a life style.
He's - country. A really nice guy, down to earth but we have nothing in common.

I'm off to another poetry night tonight (overload).
Jacks performing, so it Mr Philosopher. Gooseys coming with me should be a good night.



Blogger brian said...

I want to hear the song. You should make an audio file of some sort. The lyrics are awesome.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I liked the song, you can download software off the net that can help create audio files

10:03 PM  
Blogger kaz said...

Thanks guys!
I'll record it in a few weeks then see if I can post it.
But considering that I can't put links on to my blog the media player might be out of the question!
I'm going to see if I can put it on

1:24 PM  

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