Monday, August 15, 2005

Men - Am I unreasonable to think this?

Oh that's another thing.
I was thinking yesterday - Being that Jay is now boyfriendless.
He was telling me how he yelled at him a lot.

Is it just me? I don't think so. But Maria and her Fiancee fight a lot and say F**K off, C**T all sorts of really awful names and stuff.
It's not just me I'm sure, but if any boyfriend of mine swore at me, yelled at me or put me down in anyway - He wouldn't last. There is no second chance. Well maybe just depending on the person they might get a second chance.
But I would be soooo hurt if they were so angry at me, they had to resort to that.
This - I don't consider to be a standard, I just expect it.
George, My ex - Never swore at me, hardly ever raised his voice and we never argued.
Except one time when we were away on a holiday and there was a huge blow up - but that was after nearly three years.
I have to give him that, he also never swore around me. I guess it was easy because I didn't either.
I don't think I'm expecting to much from the male population. I guess you could say give me respect and love and I will to you to.


Blogger Scott said...

It's not unreasonable to expect a boyfriend to treat you with respect. Put of being in a relationship - respecting the other party.

11:00 PM  

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