not long ater the last post
My hair is in rollers.
i' drank half a botltel of red. and had two handrfulls of cormfalkes.
BUI isn't all what's it's cracked up 2 be.
I want to email nick. I won't.
men suck. Ya dammed if ya do and dammend if you don't.
and if ya do CrisriNITY WILL be a problem and if you don''t then youjcould be letting someone who is amazing go from your life.
I could tell nick my poetry.
F##k. why did I trust him?
i d0n't want to go to be d alone tonight.
i' drank half a botltel of red. and had two handrfulls of cormfalkes.
BUI isn't all what's it's cracked up 2 be.
I want to email nick. I won't.
men suck. Ya dammed if ya do and dammend if you don't.
and if ya do CrisriNITY WILL be a problem and if you don''t then youjcould be letting someone who is amazing go from your life.
I could tell nick my poetry.
F##k. why did I trust him?
i d0n't want to go to be d alone tonight.
Oh Yeah, I oozzeed class that night!
I with brian in the fact that Not all guys suck ass. I know I don't... some might say differently... and the wine and a handful of corn flakes sounds great! I will have to try that
Cheer up Kaz cause I need your inspiration
I never said "all guys". I know there are a few good 'uns out there.
Recently I found two guys who cook and clean!
I'm still amazed!
i'm still shocked!
I still don't wantanything but it all makes me confused.
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