Sunday, July 09, 2006

My weekend

Damon lies with his little (big) head on my leg. He’s a cutie. I took him out for a 20-minute walk today – It was all I could muster up in energy.
I think my body works during the week gets me from day to day so that when the weekend comes I have to take time out and just do nothing.
Today was bad. I lay in bad all day – no church in the morning. I fell asleep numerous times and slept on and off all day. I woke up at 4.30pm and went and got dinner then went to church because I was feeling really good. Then Ten minutes before the end of the service and I’m yawning tired again. Before I went I had orange juice and lots of Ribena. So lots of sugar.
Maybe I just need to consume lots and lots of sugar to make me feel part back to normal – at least for a few hours!
George popped round again today – I smile. There’s no way I would ever get together with him but his good to chat with.

I walked into a door today in the morning when I was half asleep and whacked my eye on the door! God! That really hurt!!!lol!
It wouldn’t hurt so much if it was the other side because there’s tissue-covering bone but on my left eye there’s not much there! Same as my cheekbones. I was terrified that a ball would hit me in the face or something and it would hurt!

At church tonight I saw the couples holding hands, leaning over and whispering in each other’s ears. Wrapping the other in a hug because they want to.
Made me think of Eve. Yeah. That’s never going to happen. There was a small want for what they have but I just have to keep thinking A) I’m not wanting a relationship B) I don’t get out enough to see anyone.
I’m lacking in the social life department. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I had never had a social life and didn’t like going out but I did and loved it. Now I miss it.

The service was good talking about relationships between friends, boyfriends/girlfriends.
It just reminded me of how I should get back into life – Until I felt to tired to think about that and I went home.

I’ll try and stick to mornings.


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