Saturday, June 24, 2006

It's all about being Female!

My boobs are sore and partially swollen (which would work in my favor if they weren’t so tender to touch!)
I’m all bloated.
My stomach is churning and threatens to show me my dinner whilst burning my throat.
I could be happy one minute and sad the next.
Swelling, thumping pain swirls around pelvis all the time reminding me that this is all part of being a woman.
Remembering dates and times is really just a pain in the ass.

Lumps and bumps appear in places in which I didn’t realise could – I’m ditching the car now and walking short journeys.
Eve went to the Gym for a week and dropped a noticeable amount of weight.
He has sex appeal regardless of weight but I think he feels better cos he was talking about it.
I on the other hand I need to pick up my game. I hate the cold but I just have to go straight after work rather then doing other things.
I’m not to worried yet.

My birthday is 4 days away - I get to pay less on my insurance and enter the mid 20’s.
Mon mentioned that we have known each other or 12 years!
It’s great to have a past like that and be able to call them family :))


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