Sunday, September 25, 2005

One other thing or perhaps another post! te heh!

I do a spell check at the end of the post and just click on a word that looks more right. That's why when I re read the finished product I think - opps - I should change that - nah- they'll get the point.

Another thing!!! I was sooo excited yesterday, I brought yet another pair of boots. Yeah,it's a very superficial thing but considering that I find it hard to find comfortable shoes or boots. But these boots are great. They zip up on the inside loosely lace up at the front and have four buckles on the outside.
I was wrapped when I put them on and they were comfortable.
I then saw a pair of zip up leather boots. I don't have leather ones and they felt good too! So good bye to pay for the day. I brought them but had to put them on Lay away for awhile.

Now I have four pairs of boots, I might throw away the old ones... Who am I kidding I don't think I can.

Another thing.
I sent a text to Ant last night saying how I drank so much and feel sick.
His reply
"Your a very naughty girl, Where are you?"
"At a friends house, about to puke in bucket...Ughhh...U r a fliut,cutthat out...or I puke on u"
"Your so charming!" Blah blah blah

I read that text and thought, oh no. No. I'm not going to have this friendship go into some sort of flirting crap. He's GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!
I don't want another flirt till your girlfriend cracks it and then it's all wired when there was nothing there in the first place!!!

Texting is so easy. Won't name names.
But I remember one night when two people were at a pub - not drunk - texting me.
Now this person I had feelings for and at that stage I didn't know he had a girlfriend.
Even though I'm a Christian and I have morals and values I don't usually bend that night I would of bent those rules.In fact I would of broken them. All of them.
I was so attracted to this person. After about 40 minutes of texting and flirting, I thought hey if he's all into this well - I'll see if he wants to take this futher.
He asked if I wanted to come down and stuff like that.
So I said I would.
I was thinking that they were wondering if I was serious. I was, but I was wondering if he was.
He changed he's tone and said something like it's late.
I smiled to myself.
Knew it.
God, He totally led me on. For such a long time.
I'm totally over it but I remember that night because I think I would have gone and seen him. I'm not usually like that. I guess I had that one coming.

I don't flirt by text. I prefer to do it in person. Hence I wouldn't do that to Ant or anyone who has a GIRLFRIEND!!!

I like to think if they do that and have a girlfriend, I cut it all right out there.
Except that one who didn't tell me and I found out by another girl, Do I think about him?
Sometimes. I smile. He's done so much for me and my way of thinking, he'll never really know just how much my thinking changed since I met him. So with that I smile.

I love my new boots I've had them on all day.

I feel like my reception work is like my leather boots. Proper, stylish, professional office looking.
I smile - My boots I have on now are like my hairdressing boots. Funky style,extra high chunky heel, a little different - more me.

This was meant to be a small post. I'm just so happy I can talk and talk. Well write.
On Saturdays I feel like this because I really look forward to work so I get all excited and I talk,talk, talk.
About nothing in particular. This man came in on Saturday and wanted a beard trim he was going out to a party that afternoon.
"Would you like me to cut your hair as well?"
(It was a clipper all over but needed to be done)
"Nah, I don't think so"
I go and clipper his beard
I finish - "Oh, hang on I'll just clipper your neck and make it look clean cut"
(The back of his neck, usually done when you cut the hair)
"Oh, Ok - thanks for that, You know that's what makes this place stand out from the other ones"
"What's that?"
"You just go that extra step"
I smile - that's good to hear.
He looked better when he left - I couldn't let him go out with out his neck done - it was really hairy.

I made up another melody today and it's ok.

Last night in my drunken state we were making up songs about stupid men.
It was really funny. Maria was annoyed at her partner and I just thought it was good for a laugh, she said today
"Your very anti men, is that because of your father?"
"Yeah, but more my mum and really all the guys I know I just think I get to know them and 3 out of 4 did have girlfriends and lead me on. So I guess I see that more of to why"

I have no problem with it. There are nice guys I know, there are fantastic guys I know it's just a few that spoil the bunch.


Blogger Scott said...

Sometimes before I post anything to my blog I will type it up in word then when I am doen I copy it into blogspot. Then again after returning home from
Dee's Cafe I just type and post and say "screww the grammer and spelling errors.

6:21 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

P.S. The spelling errors in the previous comment is because I did not first type it in word and return spell check.

6:21 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

P.S.S. Yes i did it again so for the poor spelling and lack of grammer skills.

6:22 AM  
Blogger kaz said...

heh heh that's reassuring!

7:09 AM  

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