Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Boxing and new faces

I can't believe it! I wrote a huge post then it froze and disconnected and I lost it!!
So I'm cutting it short.
Works ok.
I have an Interview tomorrow. I wrote up my resume it looks a little average but I hope it works.
I love my guitar. Something bad happened with my tune today. I was listening to Jacks CD he gave me with his songs on it. I pulled it out because I had one of his songs in my head today and I thought I'd play the CD.
I was listening to it. Huh!?? I stopped and played it again! NO! No way!
Yes, it was. The tune I had thought was original by some how I don't know how but it seems that it's Very similar to Jacks. VERY SIMILAR!
Almost a copy.
I don't get it! I haven't listened to that CD for ages!
I don't care, glad it's just the start.
I went to Boxing after work today - it was really good, great workout.
Yeah I stuffed up and got busted by a hottie with blonde hair, blue eyes and cute smile but I got over it. I mean it's no place to pick up. Your hot, red faced, smell and all the wrong bits are wobbling every where ;-)
But it's fun and I'll be going again next week.


Blogger Scott said...

What kind of music do you play? Alternative rock? classic rock, R&B, hiphop

Good luck on that resume

1:21 AM  
Blogger kaz said...

I don'k know what i'd call it. my own stuff... ?

3:02 PM  

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