Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Boxing with wobble wobble arms ;-)

Well work was the same today, but this time I knew that the other worker, Mezza,
and I both have to deal with the boss but we are both on the same wave length. The boss is stupid. Hasn't got a clue how to run a business. Isn't a hairdresser, owns the salon and thinks she knows what she's doing. She doesn't.
After work I came home played my wonderful guitar, which I'm thinking I'm in love with and then warmed up for my boxing class.
Yep, Boxing.
I rang this guy who I met last week at karate, he said that he wanted to try it so we met up and did the class. Fun! It was really good!
Again my coordination's not the best at the start but it gets better.
I met another girl from my church, it was her first time there too.
I stuffed up a few times and just smiled at myself. I stopped a few times but I get this guy saying " Kaz, DON"T STOP!!! ARMS UP! Follow me" He'd punch and I would have to keep up. You don't realize how much flabby arms wobble until you punch the crap out of a punching bag! Wobble, wobble - that's enough, wobble, wobble - arms down.
Weakling.Ha, ha,
I hit this ball thing attached to a rope from the floor and the ceiling. I hit it kinda hard and the thing flung back then flung towards me again! I stepped back really quickly because it almost hit me in the head! I laughed at myself, looked around very quickly hoping that no one saw, I caught the eye of an attractive tall, blonde hair and blue eyes guy who was skipping and smiling.
Er - great. I got over it and kept going.
Great workout, only went for and hour, so Pat (the guy I went with) and I decided to go for a fifteen minute run around the footy oval around the corner from the boxing factory.
So I'm hoping to build up some form of fitness in the next five months.
I had a song in my head today, after being so excited about learning the guitar.
It was Jacks song one off his CD he gave me. So I put he's CD in my car and listened to it. I like his music, so I'm listening and I think it was about the 5th track - Huh. I stopped it and played it again. Listening.
I haven't listened to his CD for awhile. HUH! Oh,- I'm SURE that it's not a subconscious thing, or anything like that - I don't know what it is but my tune thing is very, very ,very similar to his!!
OH NOOOOOO!! Can that happen?! Hear I am thinking that I made something original and it just sounds like his!
Well I still like it,at least it's only at the start.
I have my interview tomorrow. I have to make up a resume. I haven't done one of those things for over five years! My brother did the last one for me and now I don't know where to start or anything! It's going to look crap but It'll have to do.
A good resume could be the difference between getting the job or not.
Whatever happens it's Gods will, good or bad.
Your always learning.
I like the people I work with at the moment I just don't like the hairdressing part of it. I like the social aspect with clients and between staff.
I get greeted in the morning by Hairy with "hello smiley", I chat with Jay then move on to talking with Mezza and the clients.
I told Mezza about the interview tomorrow. At least she knows that I don't want to stay for a long time.
That average Joe show is on tonight at 11 - I think. He's a nice guy but the producers are out to kill his "nice guy" label by showing his dates with the women to all the other women. He pashes them all and they all get hurt and I think instead of hating him they turn on each other. American T.V but slightly entertaining.
Now to go write that resume.
To dear, To, To whome it may concern,To Scott, Dear Scott - I have NO idea... to the manager???


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