Thursday, February 17, 2005

That's Mr Jackass.

I wasn't going to name my friend who keeps repeating the reasons which makes me wonder if anyone, especially males, can actually keep their word about anything. So lets call him, Jackass - or Jack for short.
Now Jack said that he would come round today or I'll go see him. Either way. He's said this so many times and ALL with the same result of him not keeping his word and myself left wondering... I knew he would do this. I knew it. It didn't surprise me in the slightest that he didn't show. No word till 3 hours later when a text came through " I slept in, sorry"
Whatever. It's gotta be a record. Telling someone you'll meet up then twelve hours later do a no show.
Well that's my crap moment today.
But I went shopping with my engaged friend and looked around at T.V's and stoves for her house. She leaves next week. There's another best friend going off to start the next chapter in her life.
I'm going out tomorrow night to a poetry night of some sort. Should be good.
I'm hoping I can get a few different ideas from the night.


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