Feeling that vibe
I'm starting work back at a salon which I had worked at before just for a little while before I left to go over seas.
Everyone I think has some kind of vibe. You know if they are approachable or not - happy, anxious etc..
I walked back into this salon and the Vibe was really
uncomfortable. It was edgy, tense and it was like I felt everyone was annoyed at something. Heaps of people have left the salon so it will slightly different but since I walked in to say that I'm looking for work on Tuesday, I've had two nightmares and been dreading going back to work there, things we put up with for money it sux but I'll have to just do it.
I really don't want to go.
I start tomorrow. I'll just have to smile and ignore any crap talk that goes on.
I'm good at that - just let things go over my head and not really take in to much.
- I got a text this morning from "Steelo" this morning. I wasn't really expecting him to have any contact with me now that "The`" has gone back to the States.
Hmm...Not sure where that will head to.
Looking forward to the weekend. Work's fun and busy. I've been getting the text message "So what are you doing for the weekend?"
My Usual response "Working,all weekend" - I'm really glad I work on the weekends. Most people work during the week and usually go out and do dinner or something together and the weekend but I can't - "I'm working"
Which I am but it can be worked to my advantage.
My guitar usually keeps me occupied for hours on end. Saturday nights have been my time with that. Altho now it seems i've hit another wall with it but slowly working through it.
Blah - dreading tomorrow.
At least I'm out on street and get to see friends :-)
I love Kylie's new song - I believe in you kinda repetitive but good vibes ;-)
Radio just said Two Tribes March 13th...hmm... do I need to create a new memory for that one?
Everyone I think has some kind of vibe. You know if they are approachable or not - happy, anxious etc..
I walked back into this salon and the Vibe was really
uncomfortable. It was edgy, tense and it was like I felt everyone was annoyed at something. Heaps of people have left the salon so it will slightly different but since I walked in to say that I'm looking for work on Tuesday, I've had two nightmares and been dreading going back to work there, things we put up with for money it sux but I'll have to just do it.
I really don't want to go.
I start tomorrow. I'll just have to smile and ignore any crap talk that goes on.
I'm good at that - just let things go over my head and not really take in to much.
- I got a text this morning from "Steelo" this morning. I wasn't really expecting him to have any contact with me now that "The`" has gone back to the States.
Hmm...Not sure where that will head to.
Looking forward to the weekend. Work's fun and busy. I've been getting the text message "So what are you doing for the weekend?"
My Usual response "Working,all weekend" - I'm really glad I work on the weekends. Most people work during the week and usually go out and do dinner or something together and the weekend but I can't - "I'm working"
Which I am but it can be worked to my advantage.
My guitar usually keeps me occupied for hours on end. Saturday nights have been my time with that. Altho now it seems i've hit another wall with it but slowly working through it.
Blah - dreading tomorrow.
At least I'm out on street and get to see friends :-)
I love Kylie's new song - I believe in you kinda repetitive but good vibes ;-)
Radio just said Two Tribes March 13th...hmm... do I need to create a new memory for that one?
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