Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Confrontation and love

I have just confronted a person who I had been avoiding for nearly eight weeks now, and let me tell you it's the best feeling to get things out in the open, patch things up and be able to move on.
Tears,anger,tears,talking and in the end love. Gods works.
So many people avoid confrontation all the time and I can't see how they can do it.
This was the first time for as long as I can remember, really, avoiding even going to the extreme and not answering the phone - which I have never done before.
After feeling like crap and then topping it off with the worst week ever(last week) to now feeling and being able to move forward. Thank God life goes on.
It's funny how something so small can turn your world around on it's head then have it flipped back over in little over an hour.
Everything seems so simple again.
Now I can look forward to going out on Thursday,Friday and Saturday, with nothing in my mind making me think and be a thousand miles away and not concentrating on what I'm doing. That will be good for my clients! I know that I haven't done my best work in the past week...opps - You know that there's something not right when that happens.
Now I can go and finally get a good nights sleep without being it being drug induced!!!


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