Friday, March 17, 2006

A horriable suprise outing.

I went out for dinner last night with my ...Father.
I don't know how I can be related to SUCH a toss!
I didn't want to go out but it would cause massive rows if I didn't and I thought I'd be the mature one and just do it.
Yeah, I was the mature one all right. There is nothing about that man which is even REMOTLEY nice. How old is he?? He is such a child! Putting my mum down and trying to make out that he's a good guy. There were moments where I just bit my tongue and didn't say a word because I knew that it would start an argument and hence would mean that I would have to talk in his direction more then necessary.
I can see how my brother has turned out like he has - making that toss, his idol.
I never looked up to him from probably about seven or eight years old.
Had other people’s fathers. My best friend at the time I liked thinking that her dad was mine. Then as I grew up I had other males in my life, my boyfriend, Friends, teachers etc.
But I can’t believe that I am related to this toss.
Thank God he wasn’t around when I was growing up.
The conversation was pretty much based around “History” talk. Because really from 13 to 24 there’s nothing to talk about. There is no history there.
As he leaves he says “call me tomorrow”
HA! Call YOU!!!
“Nah, you can call it’s cheaper for me” I only have a mobile phone and landline Internet access.
It reminded me when Jack said, “send me an email” – I didn’t.
I felt a lot of my mum in me last night. The only thing different is that I kept my mouth shut.
As soon as I had the words running in my head I thought of my mum.
This is EXACTLY what she would say!!! In fact I’m sure she’s probably said it.
We went to a Chinese / Malaysian restaurant. I hate that food. Thai I can handle but not Chinese and it just added to my not wanting to be there. And the fact that I was tired.


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