Thursday, October 19, 2006

It was really Good

I had my trainning tonight. I found someone to bring in and Mk was great.
He's a really good teacher.
It's great when you get positive words as well as constructive critizem.

I drove Mk home and he was telling me that this guy that he was cutting said to him
"That girl usually works Saturdays hear doesn't she?"
"kaz - yeah she does"
"I really like her"
"Yeah, have you ever spoken to her?"
"No - there's just something about her"
Mk told me this and I laughed.
I was thinking about it and I asked God if he could get a client to say something to Mk that is really positive for me because I was feeling like I had let Mk down.
So I had a smile all over my face on the way home. I got the warm and fuzzies just thinking that's Gods work. Totally.
It picked me up and topped off my night :))

Nick called me tonight and he seems back to his old self. He's got over his wierdness that was there for awhile.


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