Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Crossing the line........?

I've just come back from my ex boyfriends house, we just ate dinner together and he had a motorbike accident last Sunday -he's ok thank God!
It was a VERY near miss and all the guys said that he's so lucky he only just missed the trees and a car coomming the oppisit direction.
They were going to fast and pushing eachother.
So I rubbed this gel stuff on his shoulder. The thought that am I crossing the line did cross my mind but we both know that we broke up for a reason. I still care about him I just don't love him anymore in the same way I once did.
I felt sorta ... like it's wrong feeling so comfortable with him.
I don't know. I'm not leading him on or anything. We just like eachothers company.
He's sister has invited me over to lunch on Sunday and I'm going to see Girly man that day too for he's ging away.

I brought a really nice dress last night to wear to the comming up christmas parties. I did go to that info sesion last night and looks like i'm going over to Japan... next year.... as long as I go with Nat I think it'll be good....
I'm not convinced. But i'll do it. After the cruise ship i'm very aprenhisive in trusting what any one says.

It's never how they say it. Fun and money. Um - No.

So I caught up and had dinner with Nick last night and George (the ex) tonight.

I'm happy to just go along at the moment. Go with the flow.

If I went over seas that means another 2 years at least being single.
Yeah - that's a good idea.

I better go off to bed now. b bye X


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