Friday, September 29, 2006

And Today

Turns out that i'm not going out this evening with Nick, Girley man and his partner for dinner.

Nick didn't get any sleep, girlyman was kept back at work and I - well i'm still abit sick. So it's for the best.
I know what it's like to be so tired you don't want to go anywhere.
So now - I might just take a shower and have a night in...

I better rest up for Sunday :)

I'm not saying anything to my mum or brother - I don't want to listen to the lecture of why I shouldn't go.
I'll just have to be carefull... Stop myself from getting to cocky.

I also have a friends 30th birthday tomorrow night, I won't be staying long but that should be nice.

Nick was funny today. being that he was really tired he was starting to become insultive. It was really quite funny :) LOL!
He told me "it's no wonder I don't have a boyfriend" as I was refering to my sickness and "Boogers" when I blew my nose:))LOL!
Then he told another older woman she should be meeting people at the "RSL" (where old people - alot older then her) go to meet up LOL!
Yeah... Ya had to be there :))

I had a dream the other night - we were lying in bed in Vietnam and it was a hot night and I started to annoy him by poking him unexpectedly in the ribs!
What THE!
In the dream he was getting annoyed. It was really just a take off from what happened wiht my Ex. I woke up and thought -I better not be a pain in the ass.
I'm told i'm not, but try spending three weeks with me or with anyone for that matter and not drive eachother crazy at some point!

I'm reading another book now about this Jewish girl who survived the war and what happened aterward. Her struggle with fitting in etc.
So far so good.

I'm still down loading songs and it's great.

I need a massage i've got a sore neck and back.

Not going to happen. End thought.


Blogger Scott said...

Whats the name of the book?

7:13 AM  

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