Friday, May 06, 2005

Works over rated

Well hear I am. I managed to get through yesterday without having a "v" caffeine drink or two.
So I decided to leave work at 1.30 pm when I started at 10 am. I was to tired to go on, I could only think of sleeping and how I was going to get through the night at street works, I was driving the van and it just wasn't going to be a good night unless I got some sleep. So I came home and slept for two hours, I felt great after it.
I get so irritable when I'm tired. I don't want to talk to anyone, I get shitty with people who I wouldn't usually and I get a headache. Add PMS and being hungry to the situation it's bad. But the night went well and there were no problems.
I'm studying today. I have to get through most of this second book to be put back on track.
The quicker I get through it the quicker I can get a new career.


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