Saturday, May 14, 2005

Strange fits of Passion

Well it's in. I emailed the article off today. Yea!
I did another talk today in front of about 180 year 12 students at an al boys school and I was relaxed. Well, after about one minute of speaking I was.
I took in a bottle of water and my lip balm.
I haven't done any studying today but I will tonight. I didn't go out on street because I wanted to do this study.
So now all I have to do is organize a winery tour for a time in late June/ July and complete this study.
Then I can start a new job, a new career.
If it doesn't turn out, well there's always something else.
I haven't picked up my guitar today, my fingers are still recovering from yesterday.
I watched this fabulous Australian Movie last night. My mum watched it too.
There's something to be said about watching some chick masturbate and you watching it with your mum... And a guy finishes off the job by jacking himself off
after the chick can't do it right.
But in saying this it was a fantastic film and story line.
It was about this girl who's a 24 year old virgin, who's best friends a gay male and there's an underling love for eachother. Her aim is to loose her virginity and how she almost does a few times and how that ties in with her relationship with her best friend.
An amusing, gripping movie but I don't recommend watching it with your parents.
It's called Strange fits of passion.
It actually might be a series. It says series return. So happy watching on the ABC 10.55pm Thursdays.


Blogger Scott said...

You sound like you know exactly where you are heading in life - both career wise and your personal life. I wish I can say the same thing about my own life.

What are you going to school for?

11:49 PM  
Blogger brian said...

You posted a comment in my blog, so I thought I would return the favor. Interesting movie that you watched with your mother. I can't say that I acknowledge that there is such a thing as sex when I'm around my mom. I can't say that I would ever want to be in that situation.

About your comment in my blog, in case you have been anxiously waiting to find out what she said when I told her I didn't like her, she just laughed it off and said, "yeah, i don't like you either." She isn't so good at telling the truth when she's drunk.

Speaking of which, I think you have inspired me to go out tonight. Yeah, forget this quiet night at home crap. I'm getting sloshed. Thanks for straightening me out.

1:12 PM  

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